This extension allows you to search for addresses near a latitude/longitude location or near another address.
You can use this to plot the addresses on a google map.
To get going run the following command, replacing the last argument with the name of your extension:
composer create-project --no-install 'jadwigo/geoapi:^3.0' <newextname>
This extension includes examples for the following features:
- Handling inside extension class
- Handling inside a controller class
- Twig response
- JSON response
- URL parameter
- GET and POST parameter
Accessing config
- Extension config
- Global config
Own Twig functions
Own Fieldtypes
Event listeners
- Handling inside extension class
- Handling inside a listener class
Own Menu Options
This extension adds several example routes to the system to show you how to define them inline in your Extension class or in a separate controller.
returns "Hello, Bolt!" as plain text.
returns "Hello, World!" as plain text but will be handled in a controller class.
returns a key value pair in JSON.
returns the given url parameter as JSON.
returns the given GET parameter as JSON.
returns content from a Twig template.
This extension adds /bolt/geoapi-backend-page
as Custom Page
to the menu in the admin backend. It appears under Extras
You are not limited to just backend sites or sites served by Bolt. You can add any URL to the menu in the admin backend.
For more information, see this page in the Bolt documentation: