This application is the back-end for an e-commerce site. It was built using mysql, sequelize, and javscript.
Ensure that you have node, dotenv, sequelize and mysql2 installed. Clone the repository into VSCode or some other coding application. Update your env file to contain your mysql information. Once inside the cloned repository, navigate into the db folder and run "SOURCE schema.sql;" and press enter. You can then quit mysql and then run "npm run seed" and press enter again. After that, run "npm start" and navigate to Insomnia.
A user must clone the repository and navigate to the correct folder within the terminal. Once the sql commands have been run, type in "npm start". The user will then be shown the below in the console to indicate that the server is connected and listening.
Once in Insomnia or another software of your choice, you can run the GET, POST, PUT and DELETE routes for products, categories and tags. The below image shows the output for a GET route for all products.
There are also options to view just a specific product, category or tag by entering /:id after the name. The below image shows that example with a GET route for the tags with an id of 4
Additionally, the user can update or delete a speciific product, tag or category. The below image shows that a 1 will be logged inside the brackets when you update a category.
Finally, the user has the option to create a new tag, product or id. The below image shows us creating a new product.
Walkthrough video:
Please refer to the license in the repo.