ASCII Planets is a spacefaring expansion to ASCII Empires (a "roll-and-write" board game of civilization building for 1-7 players)
You can download pre-made game files here, just print and play (color and grayscale versions available).
If you want to generate your own files using XeLaTeX, you can do so like this:
git clone
cd ascii-planets
xelatex rules.tex
xelatex planet_sheet.tex
Make your own fork and GitHub actions should auto-build your PDFs whenever you push code. This is useful if you don't have your own LaTeX environment setup. There are also several Docker containers you can run if you cannot or do not want to install LaTeX locally.
Just create a new issue here on GitHub by filling out the template. Feel free to add additional comments as necessary. You can also add feedback on Board Game Geek.
You can customize your game by changing a few lines of code. Modify the colors or create your own planet layouts! Check out the wiki for more info.
ASCII Empires won Board Game Geek's 2019's Roll-and-write contest. I enjoyed it so much but wanted it to have a sci-fi theme. Thus, ASCII Planets was born.
The rulebook is included on the Releases page.