A project by:
- Analeidi Barrera
- Ellen Graham
- Corey Pieper
- Jacob Weightman
Our app is for the real life game Assassin where people try to eliminate one another in the pursuit to be the last one standing. For more information about the game click here. Our app is designed to help the game host give the players their target and keep track of who is still in the game. It also facilitates how players declare that they have eliminated their target. An android build can be found here. Planning information for the project can be found here.
Make sure the dependencies are installed by running
npm install
in the project root directory -
Install the Expo app on the test device
Start the Expo dev tools by running the following command from the application directory
expo start
- Open the app on the phone by scanning the displayed QR code!
- Navigate to the project directory and sign in using:
expo signin
- Tell expo to build the project to android using:
expo build:android
The first time you build it will ask if you wish to upload a keystore or have one generated. Select to have one generated. If you encounter the error Error: connect ECONNREFUSED run
expo start
, Ctrl + c, and then tryexpo build:android
again. -
Expo should then build your app. It will output a URL where you can monitor the progress of the build. When it is done you should see a message like: Successfully built standalone app: link-to-your-app
If you plan on submitting the app to the Play Store be sure to save the keystore by running
expo fetch:android:keystore
. All future updates will need to be signed with this keystore. -
To see your project on Expo go to: https://expo.io/@username/project-name and click on 'builds'. From here you should see a history of all your compelted builds.
The process for building to iOS is similar to building to Android, with the exception that rather than installing the application file directly from a link, the downloaded file must be released to Apple's TestFlight or App Store.
- Create IPA file:
expo build:ios
This will take a while, but when it finishes it will give you the .ipa file for the app.
Add the app on App Store Connect
Upload the .ipa file to Application Loader
Add your user as a development tester on App Store Connect
Install the app via TestFlight