Calculate your evening beer requirements...
This repo is for personal use. Your welcome to checkout the Beeralator but it is a work in progress
by a complete beginner, and may contain bugs. The following executables can be found in the "Releases" section.
You should be able to build Beeralator.apk by using the command...
git clone
Then from the Android Studio welcome screen choose "Open an Existing Project".
Navigate to and highlight the "beeralator_apk_source" directory that's inside the "Beeralator" directory you cloned.
Click "ok" and after it's imported use the build menu to build it.
I'm sure there's a better way but that worked for me.
I used Ubuntu to build the Beeralator console program for Linux by running the command...
g++ -static LinuxBeeralator.cpp -o beeralator
from within the project directoty.
For Armhf
arm-linux-gnueabi-g++ -static LinuxBeeralator.cpp -o beeralator
For Arm64
aarch64-linux-gnu-g++ -static LinuxBeeralator.cpp -o beeralator
For Windows I used these two commands...
i686-w64-mingw32-windres icon2.rc -O coff -o icon2.res
i686-w64-mingw32-g++ -static WindowsBeeralator.cpp icon2.res -o Beeralator.exe
icon2.rc contents point to the icon, for example: id ICON "/path/to/beer2.ico".
Using Windows with Msys2 I used these two commands...
windres icon2.rc -O coff -o icon2.res
g++ -static WindowsBeeralator.cpp icon2.res -o Beeralator.exe
The .deb file places beeralator in /usr/bin and a beeralator.desktop file
in /usr/share/applications as well as beer2.ico in /usr/share/icons. This should add a menu entry
and icon. Only tested on Linux Mint 20.1.
Download the file then "cd ~/Downloads" and "sudo dpkg -i beeralator.1.0-1.deb".
I know very little about all this so if anyone can improve on this please do.