A hexo plugin to generate slide html when build / generating hexo project.
Normally hexo would generate index.html in folder.
This will generate a slide.html in same folder for you.
Simply visit https://[yousite]/path/to/your/article/slide.html
to quickly have a presentation.
If you have a article with a simple post settup.
title: Hello World
slidehtml: true
this will generate a slide page for it.
Because hexo would update posts link everytime after edit it.
So plz everyone intertesting in demo, just reference this project's site, every post in it have different setup.
You can find the post's source in branch gh-pages-build.
And each post add a tail url or /slide.html can check its slide.
// Merge title as first slide page.
titleMerge: true
// For reveal.js's page separator, remember escape special character like '\' .
horizontalSeparator: '^\\n---\\n'
verticalSeparator: '^\\n--\\n'
// none/fade/slide/convex/concave/zoom default is none.
slideTransition: none
npm i hexo-generator-slidehtml
These attribute in post can override plugin's global setup.
titleMerge: true
horizontalSeparator: ''
verticalSeparator: ''
slideTransition: none
Be advice that: plugin Config using YAML as format. so it's need escape char() for special char.
But post setup is Markdown format, so escape char() only focus on markdown itself.