In this repository I'll show how to visualize tweets, re-tweets, mentions etc. for a Particular Twitter Handle (say @jabhij) on Google Maps using R in simple steps. We can restrict the twitter-activity data by providing number of tweets, we want to visaualize. It can be 100, 500, or even in thousands based on requirement.
- Language: R
- Packages:
RCurl, Rjson, ggmap, twitterR
- Input:
Data(tweets) associated with any twitter handle
- Outcome: Visualization of Tweets on Map
Follow these steps:
- Exploring or Fetching Location (GeoCoding)
- Getting Location (Get_Map)
- Creating a Twitter App (Twitter_App)
- Twitter Authentication with Credentials (Twitter_Auth)
- Accessing Tweets for a Particular handle, say @letustweak (Accessing_Tweets)
- Getting Data Frames (Get_Data)
- Extracting Useful Data (Data_Extraction)
- Mapping of Tweets on Map (Tweets_Mapping)
For any query, ping me on
- Twitter: [@jabhij] (
- Linkedin: [@jabhij] (
- Web: [LetUsTweak] (
Hope, it helps!! ヅ