Movie DB is an Android app with open source code. Movie DB finds information about your favourite movies, TV shows and actors.
Movie DB uses TMDb API which has large collection of information about movies, TV shows and actors.
We offer friendly and intuitive user interface. You can view information such as: trailers, images, credits, known for, overview, biography, etc. You can search your favourite actor, movie or TV show. Browse movies by specific genre and more!
First you need to have installed Android Studio on your computer. You can download it from here.
Download the project
git clone (original project)
> git clone
- After you download the project open Android Studio. From there choose Open an existing Android Studio project or File -> New -> Import Project..
- Open the Movie DB folder that was just cloned from git.
- Wait until Android Studio finishes building and indexing.
- Proceed to configuration
The configuration file is
, located in the package de.sourcestream.movieDB
public static final String url = ""; // main url for the app
public static final String key = "yourTMDBkey";
public static final String imageUrl = ""; // used to load movie, TV and actor images
public static final String trailerImageUrl = ""; // used to load trailer images
public static final String youtube = ""; // used to load trailer videos
public static final String analyticsKey = "yourGoogleAnalyticsKey";
In order to use MovieDB you need to get your own key from TMDb. You can do that by clicking here.
After you get key replace the string key
with your own key.
Now you can run the app by clicking Run -> Run 'app'.
If you plan to use Google Analytics replace the string `analyticsKey` with your own key.
You can find list of the available methods for movies, TV and actors from TMDb API Documentation [here](
This project has been build with Android Studio 2.2.3
SDK Build Tools version 25.0.2
Minimum SDK version for the app is 17 (Android 4.2, 4.2.2).
Target SDK version for the app is 25 (Android 7.0).
Movie DB is supported currently for phones only, but you can run it on tablet.
Supported devices: 4709. You can see the full list here.
- Universal Image Loader for image loading, displaying and caching.
- Text-Justify
- ObservableScrollView for implementing hiding toolbar feature like in Google Play Store app.
- Parallax Scrolls for making parallaxed views.
- Robolectric for running Android tests directly from inside your IDE.
This project is developed by sourcestream GmbH.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact: