This course is inspired by and borrows from the excellent Clojure Mooc by the by the CS department of University of Helsinki.
Focuses on:
- use the repl for fast learning feedback.
- writing human friendly code from the start
- avoiding clojure's pain points
- uses familiar problem domains
Join Clojurians on Slack. (most important step - google then ask on beginners if you get stuck at any point)
Get Git
get the repo:
git clone
Get Leiningen
Editors - the instructions in the chapters assume cursive but if you prefer another and know how to repl already use whatever you want
- Get Intellij Community Edition
- Get Cursive
Alternatively if you don't want to install an IDE: Nightlight (an editor that runs inside the same process and has an insta-repl)
{:user {:plugins [[nightlight/lein-nightlight "RELEASE"]]}}
to your ~/.lein/profiles.clj -
Then, in your project do
lein nightlight
it will tell you where to open your browser
Recommended Order for Exercises:
- src/thread-the-needle.clj
- src/p-p-p-pokerface.clj
- src/specter-gadget.clj
- src/composing-transducers.clj
Work in progress - if you find any issues or have any suggestions please leave an issue.