This is a little tool to help grab the hashicorp tools more easily, rather than having to go to each web page, find your OS/Arch, and download the tool.
Head on over to the Releases page and grab the version you need for your os. This is a simple binary, so no real installation is necessary.
On a *nix system, you may need to provide execution privliedges to run this tool: chmod +x hashi.up
You would need to have Go installed and runable, to do this, head over to The Go Downloads Website and install it.
Additionally, you would need to have make
Otherwise, simply clone this repository, cd
into the repository direcotry, and run make && make install
hashi.up [flags]
hashi.up [command]
Available Commands:
help Help about any command
install Install one, some, or all of the hashicorp tools
remove Remove one, some, or all of the hashicorp tools
update Update one, some, or all of the hashicorp tools
-h, --help help for hashi.up
-v, --version version for hashi.up
Use "hashi.up [command] --help" for more information about a command.
hashi.up install [flags]
--consul string[="1.8.0"] download/install consul at a specific version
--download-only only download the hashicorp tools, but don't install them
-h, --help help for install
--nomad string[="0.11.3"] the nomad version to install, leave blank for latest
--packer string[="1.6.0"] the packer version to install, leave blank for latest
--terraform string[="0.12.28"] the terraform version to install, leave blank for latest
--vagrant string[="2.2.9"] the vagrant version to install, leave blank for latest
--vault string[="1.4.2"] the vault version to install, leave blank for latest
To install all tools at their latest versions: hashi.up install
To install one tool at it's latest version: hashi.up install --terraform
To install one tool at a specific version: hashi.up install --terraform=0.11.1
To install multiple, but not all tools at their latest version: hashi.up install --terraform --packer --vault
To install multiple, but not all tools at a specific version: hashi.up install --terraform=0.11.1 --packer=1.5.6 --vault=1.4.0
hashi.up update [flags]
--consul string[="1.8.0"] the consul version to update to, leave blank for latest
-h, --help help for update
--nomad string[="0.11.3"] the nomad version to update to, leave blank for latest
--packer string[="1.6.0"] the packer version to update to, leave blank for latest
--terraform string[="0.12.28"] the terraform version to update to, leave blank for latest
--vagrant string[="2.2.9"] the vagrant version to update to, leave blank for latest
--vault string[="1.4.2"] the vault version to update to, leave blank for latest
To update all tools at their latest versions: hashi.up update
To update one tool at it's latest version: hashi.up update --terraform
To update one tool at a specific version: hashi.up update --terraform=0.11.1
To update multiple, but not all tools at their latest version: hashi.up update --terraform --packer --vault
To update multiple, but not all tools at a specific version: hashi.up update --terraform=0.11.1 --packer=1.5.6 --vault=1.4.0
hashi.up remove [flags]
--consul uninstall consul
-h, --help help for remove
--nomad uninstall nomad
--packer uninstall packer
--terraform uninstall terraform
--vagrant uninstall vagrant
--vault uninstall vault
To remove all tools: hashi.up remove
To remove one tool: hashi.up remove --terraform
To remove multiple tools, but not all of them: hashi.up remove --terraform --packer --vault
- Make the update not do anything if no update is needed
- More code cleanup
- Whatever y'all find
Feel free to contribute, I'll set up a whole thing for it if this tool gets used.