cpu statistics monitor for linux cli
cpusm is a cli-based system performance monitor for linux. Developed using C, cpusm imparts a relatively small system processing penalty, making it the ideal cli application for realtime performance monitoring.
cpusm captures and presents data for the following: cpu uttilization, core utilization, memory utilization, cpu frequency, core frequency, network utilization, system temperature, kernel performance, and more. Execution is multi-threaded with respect to data collection/analysis, statistics reporting, and program command/control.
cpusm build instructions:
git clone https://github.com/j2ckson/cpusm.git
cd ./cpusm
sudo make install
cpusm execution:
cpusm [option]<value>...[option]<value>
command-line options [* default]
-a || --core: cpusm core affinity
-b || --core-opt: cpusm core optimization [<0*> kernel, <1> min.cpu, <2> max.cpu, <3> random]
-c || --colour: stdout/terminal display colour [0* - 7]
-d || --duration: cpusm execution duration [x.y seconds]
-e || --slip: interval affecting frequency and temperature statistics [1/slip >=1, 4*]
-f || --file: <filename>: log destination
-g || --coefficient: statistics sampling interval coefficient [g * t, 1*]
-h || --help: execution assistance
-i || --shortmode: cpusm start information mode [0* - normal, 1 - abbreviated]
-j || --step: cpusm statistics output step interval [1/j * r * u]
-k || --mode: cpusm statistics output mode [0 - uni, 1* - multi]
-l || --log cpusm output mode [0* - stdout/terminal, 1 - stdout/terminal+file, 2 - file]
-m || --display-size: [cpusm statistics mode [0* - normal, 1 - abbreviated]
-n || --network: network interface to monitor [-k1 || -k0 -v1]
-o || --priority: cpusm application execution priority [0* - 99]
-p || --timing: time tracking alogrithm [0* - dynamic, 1 - static]
-q || --precision: time tracking precision [0 - off, 1* - on]
-r || --rate: sample rate per second [1 - 1000, 10*]
-s || --scrolling: output display mode [0* - fixed-line, 1 - scrolling]
-t || --interval: sample interval [s.n seconds, 0.1*, minimum == 0.001]
-u || --rolling: cpusm statistics rolling average interval [1* - 999] seconds
-v || --category: cpusm statistics category
0: cpu.kernel mode
1: network mode [use in conjunction with -n]
2: cpu.core mode
3: thermal mode
4*: core.frequency mode
-w || --scheduler: cpusm process scheduling algorithm [0* - 6]
-x || --header-interval: periodic column heading display [0* == off, *40 == runtime switch default]
-y || --nice: cpusm execution nice value [-20 to 20, 0*]
-z || --samples: total samples [>=0, 0* - no limit]
runtime options
<h>: show runtime help
<a>: switch core affinity [base process only - established threads will not switch
<b>: switch 'count' statistic [running-samples*, remaining-samples]
<c>: switch stdout colour
<q>: quit cpusm
<j>: enable/disable statistics step display
<l>: enable/disable colour-mode focus scanning
<m>: enable/switch colour-mode focus
<n>: switch 'runtime' statistic [running-time*, remaining-time]
<s>: display cpusm interim summary statistics
<v>: switch terminal display width
<x>: enable/disable periodic header printing
<z>: restart cpusm
<=>: display interim cpusm min/max/avg statistics
</>: switch terminal scrolling mode [fixed-line/scrolling]
<.>: display column headings
<`>: switch pcpu accounting [per-core/aggregate]
<,>: enable/diable stdout [file logging-mode]]
<1>: enable/disable precise time-tracking
<SPACE>: switch display mode [cpu.kernel/cpu.core/core.frequency/thermal/network]
cpusm example output:
jack@zenux:~/dev/c/active$ cpusm -z2 -v0
terminal geometry: 59 rows x 263 columns
maximum rate: 100 [samples/second]
scheduler: 0 priority: 0
process 10287 user-defined priority: 0
sample interval/rate unspecified - assuming default: -t 0.1
┌CPU STATISTICS MONITOR───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
┌─SYSTEM.ATTRIBUTES────────────────────────────────────────┐ ┌─HEADING.KEY─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
system.type: linux 10287: application pid
hostname: zenux a.freq: average core frequency [per interval]
o/s.version: 5.6.0-1020-oem a.°C: zone temperature [degrees centigrade]
cpu.model: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9980HK CPU @ 2.40GHz free: free system memory [percentage]
cpu.cores: 16 [0-15] avai: available system memory [percentage]
min.freq: 800.00MHz buff: buffered system memory [percentage]
max.freq: 5000.00MHz cach: cached system memory [percentage]
governor: powersave load.avg: system load averages [per interval]
sys.memory: 32683724 kB 01mn: one minute load average
sys.disks: 5 [nvme0n1p4][nvme0n1p1][fuse][sdb1][sda2] 05mn: five minute load average
net.device: n/a 15mn: fifteen minute load average
start.time: 01:58:23.36 procs: system processes
current.time: 01:58:23.36 rnng: running system processes
exp.run.time: 00:00:00.20 actv: active system processes [running+idle]
interval: 0.100 cpu.avg: cpu utilization averages [percentage]
int.samples/s: 0.00 spot: per-interval
exp.samples/s: 10.00 cuml: cumulative
int.samples: 0 r.nnxn: rolling average [n seconds]
exp.samples: 2 user: normal-priority cpu utilization
nice: low-prioritycpu utilization
┌─RUNTIME.OPTIONS────────────────────────────────────────┐ syst: system-mode cpu utilization
idle: idle-task cpu utilization
<h>: show runtime help iowa: i/o-wait-based cpu utilization
<c>: switch display colour characteristics irqs: interrupt-based cpu utilization
<q>: quit cpusm sirq: soft-irq-based cpu utilization
<s>: display interim cpusm summary statistics maxi: maximum cpu utilization
<x>: enable/disable periodic header printing count: total samples captured
<j>: enable/disable step display algn: collection/processing thread alignment
<m>: shift field focus pcpu: cumulative application cpu utilization
<z>: restart cpusm runtime: cumulative application runtime
</>: switch output mode [fixed-line/scrolling] schd: kernel scheduling algorithm
<.>: display column headings pri: kernel scheduling priority
<=>: display interim min/max statistics nce: application priority ['nice' value]
<l>: enable/disable shifting field focus core: virtual core affinity
<1>: enable/disable precise time-tracking
<`>: switch pcpu accounting [per-core/aggregate]
<v>: switch statistics display length]
cpusm -z2 -v0
schd:nrml pri:00 nce:000 core:k ┃
count algn pcpu runtime ┃ a.freq a.°C free avai buff cach 01mn 05mn 15mn rnng actv spot cuml r.001 user nice syst idle iowa irqs sirq maxi
0 100.00 0.000 00.201 4545.7 52.5 84.28 88.90 0.696 5.464 0.110 0.140 0.140 00002 01119 9.375 4.688 4.688 6.875 0.000 1.250 90.62 0.625 0.000 0.625 9.375
minimum 100.00 0.000 min.stat 4545.7 52.5 84.28 88.90 0.696 5.464 0.110 0.140 0.140 00002 01119 9.375 4.688 4.688 6.875 0.000 1.250 90.62 0.625 0.000 0.625 9.375
maximum 100.00 0.000 max.stat 4545.7 52.5 84.28 88.90 0.696 5.464 0.110 0.140 0.140 00002 01119 9.375 4.688 4.688 6.875 0.000 1.250 100.0 0.625 0.000 0.625 9.375
average 100.00 0.000 avg.stat 4545.7 52.5 84.28 88.90 0.696 5.464 0.110 0.140 0.140 00002 01119 4.688 2.344 2.344 3.438 0.000 0.625 95.31 0.312 0.000 0.312 4.688
start.time: 01:58:23.36
end.time: 01:58:23.56
run.time: 00:00:00.20
active.time: 00:00:00.20
cpu.time: 0:00:00.002
%cpu: 1.070/0.067
actual.samples/s: 10.00
exp.samples/s: 10.00
actual.samples: 2
exp.samples: 2
nominal.variation: 0.00
relative.variation: 0.0000
jack@zenux:~$ cpusm -z2 -i1 -v1
terminal geometry: 59 rows x 263 columns
maximum rate: 100 [samples/second]
scheduler: 0 priority: 0
process 9636 user-defined priority: 0
network interface unspecified - using device bound to default route: -n wlo1
sample interval/rate unspecified - assuming default: -t 0.1
schd:nrml pri:00 nce:000 core:k ┃
count algn pcpu runtime ┃ a.freq a.°C free avai buff cach 01mn 05mn 15mn rnng actv spot cuml r.001 spot cuml r.001 p/sec spot cuml r.001 p/sec
0 100.00 0.000 00.201 4480.3 52.3 84.78 89.33 0.687 5.304 0.100 0.250 0.120 00002 01114 9.317 4.658 4.658 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
minimum 100.00 0.000 min.stat 4480.3 52.3 84.78 89.33 0.687 5.304 0.100 0.250 0.120 00002 01114 9.317 4.658 4.658 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
maximum 100.00 0.000 max.stat 4480.3 52.3 84.78 89.33 0.687 5.304 0.100 0.250 0.120 00002 01114 9.317 4.658 4.658 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
average 100.00 0.000 avg.stat 4480.3 52.3 84.78 89.33 0.687 5.304 0.100 0.250 0.120 00002 01114 4.658 2.329 2.329 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
start.time: 01:42:19.86
end.time: 01:42:20.06
run.time: 00:00:00.20
active.time: 00:00:00.20
cpu.time: 0:00:00.003
%cpu: 1.262/0.079
actual.samples/s: 10.00
exp.samples/s: 10.00
actual.samples: 2
exp.samples: 2
nominal.variation: 0.00
relative.variation: 0.0000
jack@zenux:~/dev/c/active$ cpusm -z2 -i1 -v2 -m1
terminal geometry: 59 rows x 263 columns
maximum rate: 100 [samples/second]
scheduler: 0 priority: 0
process 10584 user-defined priority: 0
sample interval/rate unspecified - assuming default: -t 0.1
s:0 p:00 n:000 c:k ┃
count runtime ┃ a.freq a.°C spot cuml r.001 cpu.0 cpu.1 cpu.2 cpu.3 cpu.4 cpu.5 cpu.6 cpu.7 cpu.8 cpu.9 cpu.10 cpu.11 cpu.12 cpu.13 cpu.14 cpu.15
0 00.200 4572.4 52.9 8.295 4.148 4.148 0.000 18.18 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 60.00 0.000 54.55 0.000
minimum min.stat 4572.4 52.9 8.295 4.148 4.148 0.000 18.18 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 60.00 0.000 54.55 0.000
maximum max.stat 4572.4 52.9 8.295 4.148 4.148 0.000 18.18 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 60.00 0.000 54.55 0.000
average avg.stat 4572.4 52.9 4.148 2.074 2.074 0.000 9.091 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 30.00 0.000 27.27 0.000
start.time: 02:07:47.13
end.time: 02:07:47.33
run.time: 00:00:00.20
active.time: 00:00:00.20
cpu.time: 0:00:00.002
%cpu: 0.833/0.052
actual.samples/s: 10.00
exp.samples/s: 10.00
actual.samples: 2
exp.samples: 2
nominal.variation: 0.00
relative.variation: 0.0000