The standard Jitsuin Archivist python client.
Please note that the canonical API for Jitsuin Archivist is always the REST API documented at
Use standard python pip utility:
python3 -m pip install jitsuin-archivist
One can then use the examples code to create assets:
from archivist.archivist import Archivist
from archivist.errors import ArchivistError
# Oauth2 token that grants access
with open(".auth_token", mode='r') as tokenfile:
authtoken =
# Initialize connection to Archivist - the URL for production will be different to this URL
arch = Archivist(
# Create a new asset
attrs = {
"arc_display_name": "display_name", # Asset's display name in the user interface
"arc_description": "display_description", # Asset's description in the user interface
"arc_display_type": "desplay_type", # Arc_display_type is a free text field
# allowing the creator of
# an asset to specify the asset
# type or class. Be careful when setting this:
# assets are grouped by type and
# sharing policies can be
# configured to share assets based on
# their arc_display_type.
# So a mistake here can result in asset data being
# under- or over-shared.
"some_custom_attribute": "value" # You can add any custom value as long as
# it does not start with arc_
behaviours = ["Attachments", "Firmware", "LocationUpdate", "Maintenance", "RecordEvidence"]
# The first argument is the behaviours of the asset
# The second argument is the attributes of the asset
# The third argument is wait for confirmation:
# If @confirm@ is True then this function will not
# return until the asset is confirmed on the blockchain and ready
# to accept events (or an error occurs)
# After an asset is submitted to the blockchain (submitted),
# it will be in the "Pending" status.
# Once it is added to the blockchain, the status will be changed to "Confirmed"
asset = arch.assets.create(behaviours, attrs=attrs, confirm=True)
except Archivisterror as ex:
print("error", ex)
print("asset", asset)