A simple notepad-like text editor
Notepad like editor used for basic text editting & decoration. It's a software solution for people who want a computer program that edits plain text.
Basic funcionality of any text manipulation program.
Starts a new plain text document
Open a plain text document you worked on before
Save your progress
Choose where you want to store your document
Get a physical copy, print your document! It only supports black and white printing.
We support all your favourite shortcuts:
- Cut (Ctrl+X)
- Copy (Ctrl+C)
- Paste (Ctrl+V)
- Undo (Ctrl+Z)
- Redo (Ctrl+Y)
Don't like plain text? Customize you text
Easily change the font, size and font style
Link to the GitHub repository and information on the application
Easy installation process to get you started with Notepad - Simple