#Store service
You will need maven and docker installed locally on your computer to build and run the service. Run the following script to build and run the service:
or run-script.sh
- will run Postgres SQL database in docker on 15432 port
- will build the application using maven
- will run the application on a port 8080
If you don't have maven and docker installed locally on your computer you can download the application (store-service-1.0.4.jar) from:
You will need a postgres database listening on a port 15432.
One can be run in docker docker run -d -p 15432:5432 postgres:9.6.9-alpine
The application by default:
- is listening on a port 8080
- needs postgres database listening on a port 15432
- can be run
java -jar store-service-1.0.4.jar
- API documentation is available on http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html
- maven build can be run the build (including unit and integration tests) with the command
mvn clean install -Pjenkins
- maven build will in test phase run unit tests
- maven build will in pre-integration phase run Postgres database on a random port
- maven build will in integration phase run integration tests against database
- open project in your favorite IDE (tested only in IntelliJ Idea)
- run postgres on 5432 port
docker run -d -p 5432:5432 postgres:9.6.9-alpine
- run test locally