This package provides a syntactic sugar over the raw dangerousSetInnerHTML
In real projects, at least in my experience, the usage of dangerousSetInnerHTML
is extensive.
Which brings two problems:
It's too long and ugly for its frequency. Also JSX does not look like HTML anymore as tag contents are passed via attributes. Which kinda defeats the usage point of JSX.
The term "dangerous" is misleading. It represents something a programmer considers safe(!) instead. So it kinda spams the vision with irrelevant signals of false danger decreasing the capability to notice real threats.
<h1 dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: page.title}}></h1>
<div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: renderMD(page.body)}}></div>
React-Safe is a thin wrapper over dangerouslySetInnerHTML so all the usual concerns about XSS attacks and security in general apply. Check the above link for more information.