Binary wrapper that makes your programs seamlessly available as local dependencies
The utility can be installed with Composer:
$ composer require bin-wrapper
use Itgalaxy\BinWrapper\BinWrapper;
$url = '';
$platform = strtolower(PHP_OS);
$binWrapper = new BinWrapper();
->src($url . '/freebsd/x64/pngquant', 'darwin', 'x64')
->src($url . '/linux/x64/pngquant', 'linux', 'x64')
->src($url . '/linux/x86/pngquant', 'linux', 'x86')
->src($url . '/macos/pngquant', 'darwin')
->src($url . '/win/pngquant.exe', 'windowsnt')
->dest(__DIR__ . '/vendor-bin')
->using(substr($platform, 0, 3) === 'win' ? 'pngquant.exe' : 'pngquant')
$binWrapper->run(['--version']); // You can use `try {} catch {}` for catching exceptions
Get the path to your binary with $binWrapper->path()
echo $binWrapper->path();
Coming soon
- bin-wrapper - Thanks you for inspiration.
Feel free to push your code if you agree with publishing under the MIT license.