Create an XML file at <project root>/resources/android/app_restrictions.xml
which describes the restrictions you want to make available in your app. See the XML definition here.
NOTE: This plugin does not yet come with a way to create resource strings for the description attribute and use of a string resource for the description attribute is compulsory if used. So, you can not yet use the description attribute unless you figure out your own way of adding entries to platform/android/res/xml/strings.xml
for you to reference.
is automatically copied into the corresponding directory under platform after a Cordova prepare.
If you want to keep the file elsewhere, ensure app_restrictions.xml
is copied to platform/android/app/src/main/res/xml/
or at least exists before attempting to compile. platform/android/app/src/main/res/xml/app_restrictions.xml
may be deleted when preparing.
This plugin will automatically add the required reference to app_restrictions.xml
in AndroidManifest.xml
In your Cordova JS you can use the below functions to get your application restrictions.
String, Integer, Boolean, Null(Hidden String)
TODO: Bundle, Bundle Array, Choice, Multi Select
Set a callback function to be called whenever the application receives the ACTION_APPLICATION_RESTRICTIONS_CHANGED intent. This should be set in your onDeviceReady function or similar. Listening for this intent is paused when onPause occurs and resumed when onResume occurs within native code. The callback will receive the new restrictions as a parameter, identical to the getAppRestrictions response.
Get a JSONObject of the keys/values for all of the restrictions that have been set the Device Policy Controller/EMM/MDM/Whatever. This function should be used when your application starts and resumes to check for changes to restrictions. The restrictionListener callback will not be called when the application is paused. Will return an empty object if the app has not had any restrictions set. The JSONObject will be passed to the callback function as a parameter.
Get a JSONObject which describes each of the restriction entries from app_restrictions.xml, indexed by key. Each restriction has key, title, type, description and defaultValue.
Use version 0.0.1 for cordova-android < 7. The only change for 0.2.0 is the location of the AndroidManifest.xml and support for cordova-android 7 and up.