Rennes 1 University' bachelor project - roguelike made with Unity
Roguelike is a subgenre of role-playing video game characterized by a dungeon crawl through procedurally generated levels, turn-based gameplay, tile-based graphics, and permanent death of the player character. Most roguelikes are based on a high fantasy narrative, reflecting their influence from tabletop role playing games such as Dungeons & Dragons.
This project requires the following softwares/modules/libraries:
- Unity (2018.1.1f1 or higher)
- Lionel Jouin - LionelJouin
- Emily Delorme - emilydelorme
- Nicolas Girault - Rhohen
- Quentin Loustau - qloustau
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
- Up : Z
- Down : S
- Left : Q
- Right : D
- Action: A
- Take object: E
- attack: Space
- Move: Left Joystick
- Action: X
- Take object: B
- attack: Y
- Player controller (Keyboard and Gamepad)
- Character
- Control (Move...)
- Interaction (Attack, Catch, Use...)
- Raycaster
- Health
- Inventory
- Interactive
- Activable
- Door
- Chest
- Shop
- Catchable
- Passive
- Consumable (Key, Coin...)
- Equipment (Weapon, Armor...)
- Other
- Breakable
- Activable
- Offline multiplayer
- Weapon
- Melee weapon
- Ranged weapon
- Projectile
- Enemy weapon
- UI
- Player UI
- IA
Random movment
Movment toward player
Detection range
Attack range
Attack system
Boss Necromancer
3 phase attack system
Summon of skeletton minion
- Online multiplayer
- Procedural generation
- Generation like the binding of isaac
- Room Types
- Normal Room
- Treasure Room
- Boss Room
- Secret Room
- Obstacles
- Enemmies spawn when entering room for the first time
- Shaders and Light
- Player produce lights
- Directionnal ligh
- Round light around the player
- Room obstacles generate shadow
- Player produce lights
- Blue: spawn
- Yellow : treasure room
- Pink: secret room
- Red: boss room
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details