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There are not many resources for a deep dive into Epic Game's Unreal Engine architecture beyond stepping through the source code or reading the little information provided in the official documentation. This should help fill in the gaps for those who are interested in learning more about the engine.


It is important to start off with the context and history of Unreal Engine. Tim Sweeney took significant inspiration from Quake 1 (1996) and Quake 2 (1997) before he released Unreal (1998). Thus, most of the foundational architecture for Unreal Engine is very similar to Quake. In fact, this quote sums it up

"This is probably going to come out sounding demeaning, but Epic wants Unreal to be Quake. Everything they did with Unreal, they did because they wanted it to be like what Quake turned out to be." - John Carmack, creator of Quake, id Software

Unreal shipped as a first person shooter game. This is important. All the networking, rendering, and the rest of the architecture was developed with an FPS game in mind. Although it did a much better job than Quake in adding in flexibility for other genres (e.g. Quake rendering favored dark-lit corridor gameplay), and although Epic Games will market Unreal Engine as supporting all genres, it is a fact that Unreal Engine was originally and currently still is optimized for first person shooters and genres similar to it. Take client-side prediction for example, or its decision for UDP networking. These are optimizations that greatly improve the experience of FPS and TPS games, but not nearly as much for RTS or TBS games (TCP networking is perfect for Turn Based Strategy).

Hence, Quake influencing Unreal makes the Quake source code and architecture a great resource for learning the fundamental foundations of Unreal Engine.

Two Parts

Unreal Engine can be broken into two important components: the Editor and the Runtime Engine. The Editor is the suite of tools used to create and edit content for the game. The Runtime Engine is the part that runs the game.

Unlike most other game engines, Unreal Engine and Quake Engine has the tool suite (UnrealEd) built directly into the runtime engine. There are a lot of benefits for this architectural decision, most importantly that the game can run via PIE (Play in Editor) without performance impacts. This also allows loading asset contents and seeing them in their full glory. Furthermore, this reduces code duplication between the two since the Editor is directly using the runtime code. There are drawbacks however, such as in developer productivity due to the locking of files preventing simultaneous editing of assets. More on this later.

Runtime Engine Architecture

Unreal Engine, like all software systems and game engines, is built in layers. Generally, the lower layers do not depend on the upper layers. This prevents circular dependencies and provides modularity that allows for cross-platform support. One of the biggest benefits is that this makes the code more testable.

The upper-most layers contain the well-known GameFramework classes containing PlayerController and GameModeBase. The lower layers contain platform-specific implementations such as Runtime/Unix.

From top to bottom, the layers are:

  • Game-Specific Subsystems
  • Gameplay Foundations, Rendering, Profiling & Debugging, Scene Graph / Culling, Visual Effects, Front End, Skeletal Animation Collision & Physics, Animation, AI, HID Audio, Input
  • Resources (Resource Manager)
  • Core Systems
  • Platform Independence Layer (Networking, File System)
  • 3rd Party SDKs (DirectX, OpenGL, PhysX)
  • OS
  • Drivers
  • Hardware
flowchart TD
    A[Game-Specific Subsystems]
    B[Gameplay Foundations]
    B2[Profiling & Debugging]
    B3[Scene Graph / Culling]
    B4[Visual Effects]
    B5[Front End]
    B6[Skeletal Animation]
    B7[Collision & Physics]
    B10[HID Audio]
    subgraph C[Resources]
        C1[Resource Manager]
    subgraph D[Core Systems]
        D2[Algorithms library]
        D4[Math library]
    subgraph E[Platform Independence Layer]
        E2[File System]
        E3[Graphics Wrappers]
        E4[Physics & Collision Wrappers]
    subgraph F[3rd Party SDKs]
    subgraph G[OS]
        subgraph G2[Apple]
    A --> B
    A --> B1
    A --> B2
    A --> B3
    A --> B4
    A --> B5
    A --> B6
    A --> B7
    A --> B8
    A --> B9
    A --> B10
    A --> B11
    B --> C
    B1 --> C
    B2 --> C
    B3 --> C
    B4 --> C
    B5 --> C
    B6 --> C
    B7 --> C
    B8 --> C
    B9 --> C
    B10 --> C
    B11 --> C
    C --> D
    D --> E
    E --> F
    F --> G
    G --> H
    H --> I


To keep the project modular, many features within these layers (e.g. Replication Graph, Gameplay Ability System) are separated out into optional Plugins.

Target Hardware Layer

This layer is platform-specific. Generally, Unreal Engine is platform-agnostic, but there are some platform-specific code and optimizations for different computer or console systems. The Quake 2 engine, for example, had significant optimizations made for the Intel's Pentium processor and its pre-fetching cache due to their popularity at the time.








Drivers Layer

Drivers manage hardware resources and provide an interface (abstraction) for the operating system to interact with the myriad variants of hardware devices.

Operating System Layer

This part of Unreal Engine handles the various operating systems which share hardware resources between multiple applications, one being your game. Unlike consoles of old where a game could "own" the entire device and assume full control of memory and compute resources, modern consoles and modern operating systems employ preemptive multitasking and can have multiple applications running alongside your game (e.g. Xbox Live, Netflix, Voice Chat, store downloads) that take over certain system resources or pause the game entirely (Xbox Dashboard). At that time, a layer like this was nonexistent or at most limited to a library that directly access hardware resources.

Some reasons why this layer exists:

  • Implement memory access and tracking for each platform.
  • Obtain platform properties regarding features that are supported (e.g. Texture Streaming, High Quality Light Maps, Audio Streaming)
  • Access (and wrap functions for) platform native APIs (e.g. Atomics, File I/O, Time)
  • Execute general platform commands (e.g. get orientation of screen, get network type)
  • Provide platform-specific implementations of OS functions (e.g. FPlatformProcess::Sleep , FPlatformProcess::LaunchURL)

FGenericPlatformMisc and FGenericPlatform are examples of OS layer classes.


The Window

The engine starts with a window. The operating system provides the fundamental functionality, such as the APIs (e.g. Windows API) and the graphical subsystem for creating and managing a windows. The graphical subsystem refers to a stack of software and hardware components responsible for rendering the graphics on your screen. The window manager handles the drawing, positioning, resizing, and user interactions with the window. The Graphics Device Interface (GDI) is what creates the graphical content by communicating with the graphics drivers by sending commands. The graphics drivers translate the commands from the GDI into instructions the graphics hardware can understand. And finally, the the graphics hardware is the physical component that renders the graphics on the screen by creating a frame buffer, applying algorithms to each pixel on the frame buffer, and display the final image.

Entry Point

The entry point for the engine depends on the platform. Every Windows program has an entry-point function called WinMain. Unreal Engine's entry point for Windows, like all other game engines, is the WinMain function defined in Windows/LaunchWindows.cpp. The Quake 2 engine, for example, also has the identically named function.

Each supported platform has their respective entry point:

  • MacOS: INT32_MAIN_INT32_ARGC_TCHAR_ARGV in Mac/LaunchMac.cpp
  • Linux: int main in Linux/LaunchLinux.cpp
  • IOS: int main in IOS/LaunchIOS.cpp
// Launch/Private/Windows/LaunchWindows.cpp

// Windows specific parameters: HINSTANCE is identification to prevent class name clashing
int32 WINAPI WinMain(_In_ HINSTANCE hInInstance, _In_opt_ HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, _In_ char* pCmdLine, _In_ int32 nCmdShow)
	int32 Result = LaunchWindowsStartup(hInInstance, hPrevInstance, pCmdLine, nCmdShow, nullptr); // Launch Unreal Engine
	return Result; // 0 on success, error level otherwise

Main Engine Loop

It is a very simple while loop.

// Runtime/Launch/Private/Launch.cpp

while( !IsEngineExitRequested() )

Table of Files

File Description
WindowsPlatform.h Abstracts away Windows platform-specific details (compiler, sdk versions, etc.) and provides a consistent interface for the rest of the code base. Specifically defines types, settings, and macros.

MacOS & iOS

Unreal Engine interfaces with Apple platforms in Runtime/Core/Apple with the help of Apple's Core Foundation (CF) SDK. Core Foundation is an API for C used for its operating systems, providing primitive data types and wrapper functions (file I/O, network I/O).

Table of Files

File Description
AppleLLM.h Low-Level Memory Tracker
ApplePlatformAffinity.h -
ApplePlatformAtomics.h Wrap Apple atomic implementations
ApplePlatformCompilerPreSetup.h -
ApplePlatformCrashContext.h Crash context
ApplePlatformDebugEvents.h -
ApplePlatformFile.h Wrap Apple File I/O implementations
ApplePlatformMemory.h Memory allocation and tracking
ApplePlatformMisc.h -
ApplePlatformRunnableThread.h -
ApplePlatformStackWalk.h -
ApplePlatformString.h -
ApplePlatformTime.h Wrap Apple Time implementations
ApplePlatformTLS.h -
CFRef.h -
PostAppleSystemHeaders.h Preserve macros
PreAppleSystemHeaders.h Preserve macros
// Core/Private/Apple/ApplePlatformMemory.cpp

// In this file, we keep track of the amount of memory we've allocated for an Unreal app running on an Apple device.

#include <stdlib.h>                          // c standard library
#include <objc/runtime.h>                    // for inspecting and manipulating Objective-C runtime data structures
#if PLATFORM_IOS && defined(__IPHONE_13_0)   // Include only for iPhone 13+
#include <os/proc.h>                         // in order to call os_proc_available_memory which determines the amount of memory available to the current app (your game running on the iPhone)
#endif                                       // Only need to include one header specific to iOS 13+.
#include <CoreFoundation/CFBase.h>           // Types used from Core Foundation: CFIndex is a typedef for a signed integer type (SInt32) used to represent indices into a CFArray or CFString
                                             // CFOptionFlags is a typedef for an unsigned integer type (UInt32) used to represent bitfields for passing special allocations into CF funcs.
                                             // CFAllocatorContext is a struct containing callbacks for allocating, deallocating, and reallocating memory, and for retaining and releasing objects.

#include "HAL/LowLevelMemTracker.h"          // for FLowLevelMemTracker in order to track memory allocations
#include "Apple/AppleLLM.h"                  // Apple's Low-Level Memory Tracker which tracks all allocations from the OS

// Skip ~250 lines including functions for memory allocation

FMalloc* FApplePlatformMemory::BaseAllocator()                        
	FPlatformMemoryStats MemStats = FApplePlatformMemory::GetStats(); // FPlatformMemoryStats is the Apple implementation of FPlatformMemoryStats which contains memory numbers on available/used physical/virtual memory


3rd Party SDKs Layer

Unreal Engine leverages a number of third-party software development kits (SDKs) including:

  • Nvidia SDKs
    • CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture) - API for using GPUs for general purpose computing ThirdParty/NVIDIA/CUDA
    • GeForce NOW - Cloud gaming service Plugins/Runtime/Nvidia/GeForceNOWWrapper
    • GPUDirect - Direct data exchange with Nvidia GPUs ThirdPartyNVIDIA/GPUDirect
  • Python - For enabling developers to create editor widgets ThirdParty/Python3
  • Steamworks - For enabling Steam online services
  • Oculus - Oculus VR support
  • WebRTC - Standing for Web Real-Time Communication, it is a technology that uses web sockets to enable real-time communication between web browsers and mobile applications, without the need for a plugin or external app. This enables seamless streaming of video, audio, and data which enables video conferences, augmented reality, and online gaming. In the case for Unreal Engine, it is used extensively for Pixel Streaming. Using a client-server model instead of peer-to-peer, Pixel Streaming video encodes rendered Unreal Engine content and audio running on a server and streams it to connected web browsers or mobile applications for decoding without powerful hardware client-side. ThirdParty/WebRTC
  • SpeedTree - For generating and rendering trees

Their respective source code and pre-built .lib (.a for Linux) files are located in their corresponding folders. However, they are not viewable in your solution explorer until you generate the project files adding the -THIRDPARTY flag to the GenerateProjectFiles.bat The .lib files are intermediate libraries of object files (intermediate sdk source code files) produced as part of the compilation process that are later used to link to the final executable.


As Unreal Engine tries to be platform-agnostic, it lets graphics APIs like DirectX and OpenGL handle the abstraction of low-level GPU hardware communication.


Microsoft's 3D graphics API. SDKs for DirectX 9, 11, and 12 are found under ThirdParty/Windows/DX9 , ThirdParty/Windows/DX11, and ThirdParty/Windows/DX12.

These SDKs are primarily used for DirectX RHI implementations, some others include shader compilation. Compared to OpenGL, it provides a higher level of abstraction and leverages Microsoft hardware optimizations.


Khronos Group's Vulkan provides a lower-level API compared to DirectX and OpenGL, enabling more efficient use of the GPU. In addition, it allows sending GPGPU (General Purpose GPU) commands to the GPU.


The predecessor to Vulkan, OpenGL is a portable 3D graphics SDK. OpenGL has been maintained by Khronos Group since 2006, but is no longer in active development with its last release in 2017.

Because of this, many of the recent advancements in modern GPUs such as the ray tracing capabilities of Nvidia RTX GPUs are NOT supported by OpenGL, and supported by Vulkan instead.

Physics & Collision

Nvidia PhysX

Platform Independence Layer

Unreal Engine's Platform Independence Layer is called the Hardware Abstraction layer (HAL). Everything under Runtime/Core/Public/HAL falls under this layer.

Platform Detection

Platform.h defines multiple header guards for different platforms, such as PLATFORM_CPU_X86_FAMILY for x86 processors, PLATFORM_CPU_ARM_FAMILY for ARM processors, and PLATFORM_APPLE for Apple devices. The FPlatformAtomics class contains platform-specific implementations of atomic operations.

Primitive Data Types

Collections & Iterators

File System


The original Unreal game shipped with its multiplayer networking layer built on top of the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) as the chosen transport layer, taking inspiration from its competitor Quake. This is due to UDP's lower latency and the fine-grain control it provides to the developer compared to TCP. UDP packets contain less headers and do not require an established connection. Furthermore, UDP does not guarantee packet delivery, nor the ordering of packets. While this reduces reliability of UDP, this also reduces the overhead in sending packets.

Whereas for TCP, dropped packets are retransmitted and packets contain additional headers to maintain ordering. The additional overhead this creates is unacceptable for games like FPS games with low tolerance for delay. One of the biggest issues with using TCP for FPS games for example, is that TCP will retransmit dropped low-priority packets even if it means delaying high-priority packets. For example, a packet for shooting a sniper rifle might be delayed because of a dropped VOIP packet once TCP retransmits it and waits for successful acknowledgement.

Unreal Engine implements its own custom networking protocol called Unreal Datagram Protocol (UDPG) built on top of User Datagram Protocol (UDP) that provides reliability to the unreliable data you get with UDP due to dropped and out-of-order packets.

The Tribes model is very similar to UE networking model, reading this paper should give you a good idea.

Relevant files:

  • UdpMessaging/Private/Transport/UdpMessageProcessor.h

Client Side Prediction

It is good to provide context and some history here. The original Quake 1 released with the client-server network topology and "Dumb Terminal" networking model where essentially all the simulation was taken care of server-side. There was no client-side prediction, dead reckoning, nor any other kind of lag compensations made to improve the player experience. Although this reduced vectors for cheating, this creates a poor player experience. This meant that when a player moves his avatar, the following sequence of events occur:

  1. His local game sends a packet to the server containing the move input
  2. The packet takes 50ms (hypothetical) to get to the server
  3. The server receives the client packet and updates the avatar's position
  4. The server sends a packet to the client with the updated avatar position
  5. The packet takes 50ms (hypothetical, both ends usually are not identical) to get to the client
  6. The client receives the packet with the latest avatar position and updates the avatar state with the new location

By then, it has been a 100ms round-time trip (RTT) before the client can even update its position in the game. To make matters worse, the client is now 50ms (1/2 RTT) behind the server. This creates a noticeable delay for the player, who might be running at 60fps (16.7ms per frame). By the time the player sees his avatar move, he would have rendered 6 frames already!

For a Quake 1 multiplayer update called Quake World (1996), John Carmack made significant improvements to the player experience that would change multiplayer gaming forever and influence the networking model of games to this day (including Unreal Engine). He introduced client-side prediction:

Instead of waiting for the full RTT (e.g. 100ms) to update the local avatar, the client will run a local simulation of the movement action. Then, the client makes appropriate adjustments when receiving the authoritative packet from the server by interpolating between the two positions. Since the client side code for movement is usually identical to that of the server-side, most of the time, this client side prediction is pretty accurate and does not stray too far off from the server.

Come Unreal in May 1998, employed very similar architecture to Quake.

Pixel Streaming

Pixel Streaming uses WebRTC to stream rendered Unreal Engine content over the internet to connected remote clients in-real time via a server-client model. A server on the cloud (e.g. AWS Tesla T4 gpu instance) can run a headless Unreal Engine, and use Nvidia's NVENC to encode the rendered frames and audio into H.264. Then stream it to clients that will then decode the frames and audio to display them to the client's screen without the need for a plugin, external app, or powerful hardware client-side.

Hi-Res Timer

Threading Library

Unreal Engine improves performance of its applications by taking advantage of the multi-core architecture of modern CPUs with the use of a threading library.


A thread is a theoretical concept representing a component of a process. A process is a unit of resources, while a thread is a unit of scheduling and execution. You can analogize it to a cotton thread, a long thin strand of cotton fibers used for sewing, except the cotton fibers are sequential instructions. This thread includes the scheduling and execution of these instructions by the CPU. You can consider the execution of the functions in your game as a thread.

The API for system threads is located in Runtime/Core/Public/HAL/Thread.h.

  • Create threads using the constructor
// Runtime/Core/Public/HAL/Thread.h

* Creates and immediately starts a new system thread that will execute `ThreadFunction` argument.
* Can return before the thread is actually started or when it already finished execution.
* @param ThreadName Name of the thread
* @param ThreadFunction The function that will be executed by the newly created thread
* @param StackSize The size of the stack to create. 0 means use the current thread's stack size
* @param ThreadPriority Tells the thread whether it needs to adjust its priority or not. Defaults to normal priority
* @param ThreadAffinity Tells the thread whether it needs to adjust its affinity or not. Defaults to no affinity
* @param IsForkable Tells the thread whether it can be forked. Defaults to NonForkable
    TCHAR const* ThreadName,
    TUniqueFunction<void()>&& ThreadFunction,
    uint32 StackSize = 0,
    EThreadPriority ThreadPriority = TPri_Normal,
    FThreadAffinity ThreadAffinity = FThreadAffinity(),
    EForkable IsForkable = NonForkable
FThread Thread = FThread(
    TEXT("MyThreadWithSingleton),                        // Give any name
    []()                                                 // Since a thread is a sequence of instructions, we pass a function for the new thread to execute
    {                                                    // One-time use anonymous lambda function
Program Stack

The FThread's StackSize parameter for the constructor refers to the size of a key component of a thread, the thread's Program Stack.

The stack data structure is a container of contiguous blocks of memory (analogous to a stack of plates), where only the top of the stack is accessible and needs to be removed (popped) before the block below it can be accessed. In other words, the first block pushed onto the stack is the last block to be popped off, and the last block pushed onto the stack is the first block to be popped off (LIFO - Last In First Out).

Stack Diagram ( - Stack Data Structure in Java, easy in 5 minutes):


This behavior of a stack is convenient for representing function calls because the nature of functions is that a function may call (push onto the stack) other (nested) functions that it depends on, and as a result, a particular function cannot complete execution until all its nested functions are completed (popped) first.

This stack for function calls is called the Program Stack, and each item on the stack (a block of memory) is called a stack frame. Whenever a function is called (by another function), the operating system stores all local variables declared in the function and the contents of CPU registers for the function to utilize in this stack frame. The return address for the called function is also stored in the stack frame because once the stack frame is popped after the called function is returned, the caller needs to continue execution from where it left off.

Before a program is loaded onto memory and executed, the operating system needs to first reserve an area of memory for the program stack. The stack pointer, the value of a single CPU register, is used to push and pop stack frames.

Graphics Wrappers

Physics & Collision Wrappers

Core Systems Layer

Data Structures & Algorithms

All software systems require containers that allow for the storage and manipulation of data and algorithms that use these data structures to solve problems. Many projects use standard and third-party libraries that provide implementations of these data structure and algorithms.

However, Unreal Engine neither uses STL, the C++ Standard Template Library, nor third-parties like Boost, Folly, or Loki. It opts for a custom solution for performance benefits and cross-platform support. Although it isn't used anywhere in the Engine, many of the custom implementations are inspired by Boost, a popular and powerful data structures and algorithms C++ library that shares similar style to its predecessor STL. Some of the third party libraries included by UE, such as SDKs made by Pixar, however do use Boost.

Note: For an unknown reason there is an import for Boost (Source/ThirdParty/Boost).

Data Structures

Container Table

Unreal Engine defines most if not all its containers in Runtime/Core/Public/Containers.

Container Description STL Equivalent Boost Equivalent
TAllocatorFixedSizeFreeList Low-level container that allocates memory in fixed-size blocks. Its fixed-size property is more efficient compared to a heap allocator that allocates memory in variable sizes which leads to inefficiencies because otherwise the free list needs to be traversed to find the first block that is large enough to fit the requested size. Instead, the fixed-size allocator can simply return the next block in the free list. The fixed-size allocator is also more efficient than a fixed-size allocator because it does not need to keep track of the size of each block. - boost::container::static_vector_allocator
TArray Dynamic array std::vector boost::container::vector
TArrayView A statically sized (it does not have add or remove) view (it is a representation of a real array) of an array of typed elements. Designed for functions to take in as an argument where the function does not need to mutate the array.
// e.g.: SumAll takes in an array and returns the sum of all the elements, notice it does not mutate the array since accumulate is a const function
int32 SumAll(TArrayView<const int32> array) const
    return Algo::Accumulate(array);

int32 sum = SumAll({1, 2, 3, 4, 5}); // You can pass whatever array type you want, as long as it is a view of an array of int32
TArray<int32> MyTArray = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; // TArray is fine too
sum = SumAll(MyTArray); // The TArray is treated as a view
CArray<int32, 5> MyCArray = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; // CArray is fine too
sum = SumAll(MyCArray);
- boost::container::vector
TSet Set std::set boost::container::set
TMap Map std::map boost::container::map
TQueue Queue std::queue boost::container::queue
TLinkedList Linked list std::list boost::container::list
TDoubleLinkedList Double linked list std::list boost::container::list


Algorithm Table

Unreal Engine defines most if not all its algorithms in Runtime/Core/Public/Algo.

Algorithm Description STL Equivalent Boost Equivalent
AllOf Returns true if the given predicate returns true for all elements in the range. std::all_of boost::algorithm::all_of
AnyOf Returns true if the given predicate returns true for any element in the range. std::any_of boost::algorithm::any_of
NoneOf Returns true if the given predicate returns false for all elements in the range. std::none_of boost::algorithm::none_of
Find Returns an iterator to the first element in the range that matches the given value. std::find boost::algorithm::find

Module Start-Up and Shut-Down

Unreal Engine modules manage distinct functionality areas, loaded on demand to conserve resources. Modules define startup and shutdown logic, crucial for initializing resources and cleaning up to avoid leaks.

IMPLEMENT_MODULE(FDefaultModuleImpl, MyModule);

void FMyModule::StartupModule()
    // Initialization logic here
    UE_LOG(LogTemp, Log, TEXT("MyModule has started!"));

void FMyModule::ShutdownModule()
    // Cleanup logic here
    UE_LOG(LogTemp, Log, TEXT("MyModule has shut down"));


Assertions help identify bugs by stopping execution when a condition is false. Unreal uses check, ensure, and verify macros for debugging. Assertions are removed in shipping builds to avoid performance overhead.

void MyFunction(int32 Value)
    // Ensures Value is not zero to avoid division by zero
    check(Value != 0);
    float Result = 100 / Value;


Unreal's automation system runs tests and tasks, ensuring stability and performance. Recently we have heard of AAA game titles releasing unshipped and extremely buggy games like BF 2042 and Cyberpunk 2077. A huge part of the reason why bugs were not caught was due to the lack of automated testing. Automation tests prevent "regressions" -- the very frustrating bugs that were fixed in the past but reappear in the future. Automation tests are also crucial for performance testing, ensuring that the game runs smoothly on a variety of hardware.

Unit Testing

Unit tests validate code behavior in isolation, ensuring reliability and facilitating maintenance.

IMPLEMENT_SIMPLE_AUTOMATION_TEST(FMyUnitTest, "GameTests.Unit.MyFunctionTest", EAutomationTestFlags::EditorContext | EAutomationTestFlags::EngineFilter)

bool FMyUnitTest::RunTest(const FString& Parameters)
    // Test case: ensure MyFunction returns true
    TestTrue("MyFunction should return true", MyFunction());
    return true;


Gauntlet is Unreal's automation framework for testing game scenarios and performance in real-world conditions.

Creating a comprehensive Gauntlet test involves extending the FGauntletTestBase class and implementing its virtual methods to define the test behavior. Below is an extended example showcasing how you could structure a performance test using the Gauntlet framework within Unreal Engine. This example will focus on measuring frame rate and memory usage over a fixed duration, but remember that Gauntlet can be used to automate and test a wide range of scenarios depending on your game's requirements.

First, ensure you have the Gauntlet automation framework set up in your Unreal Engine project. This example assumes you have basic knowledge of creating and running Gauntlet tests.

// Example usage of Gauntlet to run a performance test
#include "GauntletTestController.h"
#include "Engine/World.h"
#include "Misc/Paths.h"
#include "HAL/PlatformFilemanager.h"

class FMyPerformanceTest : public FGauntletTestBase
    float TestDuration;
    float TimeElapsed;
    TArray<float> FrameRates;
    TArray<float> MemoryUsages;


        : TestDuration(60.0f) // Run the test for 60 seconds
        , TimeElapsed(0.0f)

    virtual void OnInit() override
        UE_LOG(LogGauntlet, Log, TEXT("Starting My Performance Test"));

        // Initialize your test variables here

        // You might want to load a specific level or set up your game state in a certain way here
        FString MapName = TEXT("/Game/Maps/YourMapName");

    virtual void OnTick(float DeltaTime) override
        TimeElapsed += DeltaTime;

        // Record frame rate and memory usage at each tick
        FrameRates.Add(1.0f / DeltaTime); // FPS = 1 / DeltaTime
        MemoryUsages.Add(FPlatformMemory::GetStats().UsedPhysical); // Get current used physical memory

        // Check if the test has run for the desired duration
        if (TimeElapsed >= TestDuration)

    virtual void EndTest() override
        // Calculate average frame rate and memory usage
        float AvgFrameRate = 0.0f;
        float AvgMemoryUsage = 0.0f;
        for (int i = 0; i < FrameRates.Num(); i++)
            AvgFrameRate += FrameRates[i];
            AvgMemoryUsage += MemoryUsages[i];
        AvgFrameRate /= FrameRates.Num();
        AvgMemoryUsage /= MemoryUsages.Num();

        // Log the results
        UE_LOG(LogGauntlet, Log, TEXT("Average Frame Rate: %f"), AvgFrameRate);
        UE_LOG(LogGauntlet, Log, TEXT("Average Memory Usage: %f MB"), AvgMemoryUsage / (1024 * 1024));

        // Save results to a file
        FString ResultsString = FString::Printf(TEXT("Average Frame Rate: %f\nAverage Memory Usage: %f MB\n"), AvgFrameRate, AvgMemoryUsage / (1024 * 1024));
        FFileHelper::SaveStringToFile(ResultsString, *(FPaths::ProjectDir() + TEXT("TestResults.txt")));

        // Make sure to call the base class's EndTest to properly terminate the test

// Register the test so Gauntlet can find it
IMPLEMENT_GAUNTLET_TEST(FMyPerformanceTest, "Performance.MyPerformanceTest")

This is a great way to look for optimizations in your game.

Memory Allocation

Unreal Engine customizes memory allocation to improve performance and track usage, integrating with the platform's memory manager.

void* MyAllocate(SizeType Size)
    void* Result = FMemory::Malloc(Size);
    // Additional logic, such as tracking allocations
    return Result;

void MyFree(void* Pointer)
    // Clean up before freeing memory

Math Library

Unreal's math library, part of the Core subsystem, provides vectors, matrices, and more for game calculations.

FVector A(1, 0, 0);
FVector B(0, 1, 0);
// Cross product
FVector C = FVector::CrossProduct(A, B);

Strings and Hashed String Ids


FName is a system for efficient string handling, using a hashed value for fast comparisons and lookups.

FName MyName(TEXT("MyString"));
// Fast comparison
if (MyName == FName(TEXT("MyString")))
    // True

Debug Printing and Logging

Localization Services

Movie Player


Profiling / Stats Gathering

Engine Config

Random Number Generator

Curves & Surfaces Library

RTTI / Reflection & Serialization

Object Handles / Unique Ids

Asynchronous File I/O

Resources (Game Assets) Layer

Resource Manager (UnrealEd)

Unreal Engine's highly centralized resource manager is a unified interface to access all types of game assets. This includes umap and uasset files.

3D Model Resource

Texture Resource

Material Resource

Font Resource

Skeleton Resource

Collision Resource

Physics Parameters

Game World/Map

Collision & Physics Layer

This layer of the engine handles collision detection and rigid body dynamics (which is where it gets "physics" from). Calling it physics is a bit of a misnomer, as the engine is primarily concerned about forces and torques acting on rigid bodies, and not much of anything else.

Typically, game engines do not implement their own physics engine. Instead, they use SDKs from a third-party physics & collision engine. Hence, Unreal Engine uses Nvidia's PhysX SDK, which is a free and open source. It does however have some custom implementations such as ARigidBodyBase. It does not use Havok or Open Dynamics Engine.

Unreal Engine uses the PxRigidActor class from PhysX's physx namespace to represent dynamic and static rigid bodies.

The Physics Engine implementation is in Runtime/Engine/Private/PhysicsEngine, Runtime/Engine/Public/Physics, and Runtime/Engine/PhysicsEngine.

Forces & Constraints

Ray/Shape Casting (Queries)

Rigid Bodies


Shapes / Collidables

Physics/Collision World

Human Interface Devices (HID) Layer

Game-Specific Interface

Physical Device I/O

Profiling & Debugging Layer

Recording & Playback

Memory & Performance Stats

In-Game Menus or Console

Low-Level Renderer Layer

Graphics Device Interface

Unreal Engine calls this the RHI (Render Hardware Interface). Utilizes graphics SDKs (DirectX, OpenGL, Vulkan) to enumerate available graphics devices, initialize them, and set up render surfaces (back buffer, stencil buffer, depth buffer, etc.).

Found in Runtime/RHI and Runtime/RHICore.

Table of Files

File Description

DirectX RHI

Vulkan RHI


Materials & Shaders

Static & Dynamic Lighting


Text & Fonts

Primitive Submission

Viewports & Virtual Screens

Texture & Surface Management

Debug Drawing (Lines etc.)

Scene Graph / Culling Optimizations Layer

Generally, any sort of Spatial Subdivision is called a "Scene Graph". Common algorithms for spatial subdivision includes Octrees, Quadtrees, Binary Space Partitioning trees, k-d trees, and sphere hierarchical. Unreal Engine uses a Scene Outliner, a hierarchical scene representation using a tree structure, to perform optimizations such as frustum culling.

Culling can involve a simple algorithm such as frustum (the trapezoidal prism that represents your view into the world) culling or can leverage spatial partitioning algorithms to reduce geometry in which to do culling upon.

Spatial Hash (BSP, Tree, kd-Tree, ...)

Occlusion & PVS

LOD System

Visual Effects Layer

Light Mapping & Dynamic Shadows

HDR Lighting

PRT Lighting, Subsurface Scatter

Particle & Decal Systems

Post Effects

Environment Mapping

Front End Layer

Heads-Up Display (HUD)

Full-Motion Video (FMV)

In-Game Cinematics (IGC)

In-Game GUI

In-Game Menus

Wrappers / Attract Mode

Skeletal Animation layer

Animation State Tree & Layers

Inverse Kinematics (IK)

Hierarchical Object Attachment (+Gameplay Foundations Layer)

Game-Specific Post-Processing

LERP and Additive Blending

Animation Playback

Sub-skeletal Animation

Animation Decompression

Skeletal Mesh Rendering (+Low-Level Renderer Layer)

Ragdoll Physics (+Collision & Physics Layer)

Audio Layer


3D Audio Model

Audio Playback / Management

Online Multiplayer Layer

Replication Graph

The Replication Graph optimizes network traffic for large-scale multiplayer games by organizing network actors into spatial and logical groups. This system allows for efficient state replication based on player positions and game context.

Practical Use: In a battle royale game, the Replication Graph can be used to only update players about the state of nearby enemies, rather than all players in the game, reducing network overhead.

Example Code:

// Initialize Replication Graph in your GameMode's StartPlay function
void AMyGameMode::StartPlay()

// Custom Replication Graph Node
void UMyReplicationGraphNode::GatherActorListsForConnection(const FConnectionGatherActorListParameters& Params)
    // Custom logic to determine which actors to replicate to which players

### Network Prediction

Network Prediction minimizes the effects of latency by predicting player actions and movements. This creates a smoother multiplayer experience by compensating for network delays.

Practical Use: In a first-person shooter, network prediction can be used to anticipate a player's movement, allowing other players to see that player moving smoothly, even with network latency.

**Example Code:**
// Implementing a simple movement prediction in a character class
void AMyCharacter::PredictMovement(float DeltaTime)
    if (IsLocallyControlled())
        // Predict local player's movement
        PredictedVelocity = CalculateNewVelocity();
        SetActorLocation(GetActorLocation() + (PredictedVelocity * DeltaTime));
        // Interpolate non-local players for smoother movement
        SetActorLocation(FMath::VInterpTo(GetActorLocation(), RemoteTargetLocation, DeltaTime, InterpolationSpeed));

Netcode Plugin Framework

The Netcode Plugin Framework allows for modular networking code, enabling developers to tailor the networking stack to their game's specific needs.

Practical Use: In an MMO, different networking strategies may be needed for different areas of the game, such as instanced dungeons versus open-world areas. The Netcode Plugin Framework allows developers to switch between different networking models as needed.

Matchmaking & Game Management

Object Authority Policy

Game State Replication

Gameplay Foundations Layer

The Gameplay Foundations Layer in Unreal Engine is a critical part of the engine architecture, providing the underlying systems and tools necessary for game development. This layer encompasses everything from the high-level game flow and scripting systems to the management of static and dynamic game objects.

High-Level Game Flow System/FSM

The high-level game flow system or Finite State Machine (FSM) is used to control the overall flow of a game, such as menu navigation, level transitions, and game states like pause or game over. This system ensures that game states are managed cleanly and transitions occur smoothly.

// Define game states
enum class EGameState : uint8

// Change game state
void ChangeGameState(EGameState NewState);

Scripting System

Scripting systems in Unreal Engine allow for the creation of game logic and behavior without the need for compiled code.


Previously, UnrealScript was Unreal Engine's native scripting language, used prior to UE4. It provided a high-level approach to game scripting. UnrealScript is no longer used in current Unreal Engine versions, replaced by the Blueprint system.


All the graph editor tools are behind the scenes a UEdGraph. This includes Blueprint, Material, and Animation graphs. The UEdGraph is a simple graph data structure that listeners on every node.

The all the graphs for a Blueprint, such as the Event Graph, are combined into an Ubergraph.


Static World Elements

Dynamic Game Object Model


All gameplay objects in the engine are derived from this class.


Garbage Collection

When UObjects are created, they are automatically added to a global array GUObjectArray which the GC uses for tracking and deleting at regular intervals any unreferenced objects or objects explicitly marked for destruction, unless they have flags to explicitly prevent garbage collection. One of these flags is the EInternalObjectFlags::RootSet.

// Runtime/CoreUObject/Private/UObject/UObjectHash.cpp

// Global UObject array instance
FUObjectArray GUObjectArray;                                   // To keep track of all UObjects

There are 3 ways to keep them referenced in the internal reference graph:

  1. With a strong reference (UPROPERTY()) to them from objects that are also referenced

    In other words, if a UObject does not have a UPROPERTY reference, there is a good chance it will be garbage collected away. UActors and UActorComponents are an e exception this rule, since the Actor is referenced by the UWorld (which is in the root set), and the Actor Component is referenced by the Actor itself.

    Another practical implication of this is that once the owning UActor is destroyed, usually all of its UActorComponents will be destroyed because the Actor was the only UObject with a strong reference to them.

  2. By calling UObject::AddReferencedObjects from objects that are also referenced

  3. By adding them to the root set with UObject::AddToRoot

    // Runtime/CoreUObject/Public/UObject/UObjectBaseUtility.h
     * Add an object to the root set. This prevents the object and all
     * its descendants from being deleted during garbage collection.
    void UObjectBaseUtility::AddToRoot()                           // FORCEINLINE for performance benefits                                     
    {                                                              // GUObjectArray is the global array of all UObjects   
        GUObjectArray.IndexToObject(InternalIndex)->SetRootSet();  // Use the int32 InternalIndex belonging to UObjectBase to index into GUObjectArray
    }                                                              // Set RootSet flag for object
    // Runtime/CoreUObject/Public/UObject/UObjectArray.h
    void FUObjectItem::SetRootSet()                                 // FUObjectItem represents the UObject in the global array, it is a struct that contains a pointer to a UObject
        ThisThreadAtomicallySetFlag(EInternalObjectFlags::RootSet); // Sets a flag which lets the garbage collector know not to garbage collect EVEN if unreferenced
Automatic Property Initialization

UObjects properties are automatically initialized to zero before the constructor is called.

Factory Methods
  • NewObject() is the simplest UObject factory method
  • NewNamedObject() is the same as NewObject() but with an FName
  • ConstructObject() is a more flexible factory method
Automatic Updating of References

UObjects marked with UPROPERTY() or stored in Unreal container classes are visible to the reflection system, and thus are automatically nulled when the object is destroyed. This is because null-checking is more reliable than non-null pointers pointing at deleted memory.



The word "Actor" is not a term unique to Unreal Engine, and can be found even in Nvidia's PhysX. It is the base class for all objects that can be placed in the world. Specifically, it is a UObject with a transform.

Composition OOP Design Pattern - Components

Composition is a common object-oriented programming design pattern that defines reusable behavior and expresses has-a relationships instead of is-a relationships. Design Patterns: Elements of reusable Object-Oriented Software (1994) by Gang of Four elaborates on this design pattern, I highly recommend reading this book as Unreal Engine uses other patterns from this book. You will find that containing gameplay functionality within components rather than the larger gameplay classes prevents tarballing files into a mess of tightly coupled code that takes longer to compile and harder to maintain due to everything depending on each other.

The base class for components is the UActorComponent.

Table of Components
Table of Components
Component Description
ActorComponent The base class for all components that can be attached to actors.
ApplicationLifecycleComponent Manages application lifecycle events such as application pause, resume, and termination.
UArrowComponent Renders an arrow in the editor and game world for directional indication, commonly used for debugging purposes.
UAudioComponent Responsible for playing sound in the game world.
UBillboardComponent Used to display a 2D texture in the world, always facing the camera, typically used for editor visualization.
UBoundsCopyComponent Copies the bounds (Box and Sphere) from another component to define this component's bounds.
UBoxComponent A box-shaped primitive component used for collision detection and physics simulation.
UBoxReflectionCaptureComponent Captures and creates box-shaped reflection maps for dynamic objects in the scene.
UBrushComponent Represents a brush shape (used for level design and collision). Typically not used directly in gameplay.
UCapsuleComponent A capsule-shaped primitive component used for collision detection and physics simulation.
UChildActorComponent Allows an actor to spawn another actor as its child, effectively allowing actors to be nested within actors.
UDecalComponent Used to project materials onto surfaces in the world, such as bullet holes, blood splatters, or signs.
UDirectionalLightComponent Represents a directional light source that affects the entire scene, like the sun.
UDrawFrustumComponent Renders a camera's view frustum for visualization in the editor or during gameplay for debugging.
UDrawSphereComponent Renders a simple wireframe sphere, used for visualization and debugging.
UExponentialHeightFogComponent Adds atmospheric fog effects that become denser with distance from the ground level.
UForceFeedbackComponent Triggers force feedback effects (vibration) on input devices.
UHierarchicalInstancedStaticMeshComponent Manages multiple instances of a StaticMesh, allowing for efficient rendering and collision.
UInputComponent Handles input from the player and routes it to the appropriate gameplay functionality.
UInstancedStaticMeshComponent Similar to HierarchicalInstancedStaticMeshComponent but less optimized; used for rendering multiple instances of the same mesh.
UInterpToMovementComponent Provides interpolated movement between points for smooth transitions.
ULightComponent The base class for all light components.
ULightComponentBase Abstract base class for light components.
ULightmassPortalComponent Used to improve Global Illumination quality in specific areas.
ULineBatchComponent Used for drawing lines and shapes for debugging purposes.
ULocalLightComponent Represents a light source that has a limited range, like a street lamp or a flashlight.
ULODSyncComponent Manages level of detail settings across different components based on their visibility and importance.
UMaterialBillboardComponent Renders a billboard using a material, allowing for complex animated or dynamic 2D elements.
UMeshComponent Base class for components that render meshes.
UModelComponent Used to render geometry defined by BSP brushes, typically used in level construction.
UPawnNoiseEmitterComponent Allows Pawns to emit noise events that AI characters can respond to.
UPlanarReflectionComponent Captures and creates planar reflection maps for dynamic objects in the scene.
UPlaneReflectionCaptureComponent Captures and creates planar reflection maps, similar to box reflection but for flat surfaces.
UPlatformEventsComponent Provides access to mobile platform-specific events, such as entering background mode or low battery warnings.
UPointLightComponent Represents a point light source that emits light in all directions from a single point.
UPoseableMeshComponent A skeletal mesh component that allows for posing its bones at runtime.
UPostProcessComponent Applies post-process effects to the scene when the camera is inside its bounds.
UPrimitiveComponent The base class for all components that represent physical objects in the world.
URectLightComponent Represents a light that emits from a rectangular area, providing soft, area lighting.
UReflectionCaptureComponent The base class for components that capture scene reflections to improve rendering quality.
URuntimeVirtualTextureComponent Used to render and manage a Runtime Virtual Texture, which can be used for large landscapes or virtual texturing.
USceneCaptureComponent The base class for components that capture and render a portion of the scene to a texture.
USceneCaptureComponent2D Captures a 2D view of the scene from a specific location, similar to a camera, and renders it to a texture.
USceneCaptureComponentCube Captures a 360-degree view of the scene and renders it to a cubemap texture.
USceneComponent The base class for all components that have a transform and can be placed in the world.
UShapeComponent Base class for shape components (e.g., Box, Capsule, Sphere) used for collision and overlap detection.
USkeletalMeshComponent Renders an animated skeletal mesh in the world, typically used for characters.
USkinnedMeshComponent The base class for components that support skinning, including SkeletalMeshComponent and MorphTargetComponent.
USkyAtmosphereComponent Simulates atmospheric sky and light scattering effects.
USkyLightComponent Represents a light source that simulates the sky, providing ambient light based on the sky's appearance.
USphereComponent A sphere-shaped primitive component used for collision detection and physics simulation.
USphereReflectionCaptureComponent Captures and creates spherical reflection maps for dynamic objects in the scene.
USplineComponent Represents a spline, or smooth curved line, which can be used for paths, roads, and other curvilinear constructs.
USplineMeshComponent Used to render a mesh along a spline, allowing for flexible and dynamic shapes like roads or pipes.
USpotLightComponent Represents a spotlight source that emits light in a cone shape.
UStaticMeshComponent Renders a static mesh in the world, typically used for non-moving objects.
UStereoLayerComponent Manages stereo layer elements, used primarily in VR to render UI or other elements directly to the headset display.
UTextRenderComponent Renders text in the 3D world, useful for labels, debugging information, or simple in-world UI elements.
UTimelineComponent Manages timed events and interpolations for actors, allowing for smooth transitions and animations.
UVectorFieldComponent Applies a vector field to particles in a particle system, influencing their movement and behavior.
UVolumetricCloudComponent Simulates and renders volumetric clouds in the sky.
UWindDirectionalSourceComponent Simulates wind in the environment, affecting foliage, cloth, and other susceptible objects.
UWorldPartitionStreamingSourceComponent Manages streaming of world partitions, allowing for large open worlds to be loaded and unloaded dynamically.

Real-Time Agent-Based Simulation

Event/Messaging System

World Loading / Streaming

Game-Specific Subsystems Layer

Game Specific Rendering

Terrain Rendering

Water Simulation & Rendering

Player Mechanics

State Machine & Animation

Gameplay Ability System

The Gameplay Ability System (GAS) is a framework to streamline the complex logic that goes into replication, canceling, casting, granting, and blocking of abilities. Without GAS, you would have to use an increasingly unmaintainable spangle of conditional flag checking, timers, state machines, and RPC calls to implement abilities. The GAS pattern comes from World of Warcraft, an obvious heavy user of abilities at scale.

Gameplay Abilities

Blueprint-able functionality that can be given or removed, triggered manually or by input. Can be paired with an animation montage. Replication is built into the system.

Gameplay Effects
Gameplay Tags

Although Gameplay Tags is not exclusive to GAS, it handles the "conditional flag checking" of abilities. It is a simple system that allows you to tag objects with arbitrary hierarchical strings. An object can have both the Damage.Fire and Damage.Fire.Fireball tags.

Camera-Relative Controls (HID) (+Game Cameras)

Collision Manifold


Game Cameras

Fixed Cameras

Scripted/Animated Cameras

Player-Follow Camera

Debug Fly-Through Cam


Goals & Decision-Making

Actions (Engine Interface)

Sight Traces & Perception

Pathfinding (A*)

Game Layer (Game Code)

Note: This is not part of the engine, but rather built on top of it. Including because it can be helpful and a good wrap up of the engine in practical usage


Fog of War




Editor Architecture - Unreal Editor

Skeletons and Animation

Skeleton Editor

Skeletal Mesh Editor

Animation Editor

Animation Blueprint Editor

Physics editor


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