Micro blog for significant people.
Put your langage code
<html lang=" HERE ">
Put your blog title
$Title = "your site title";
Edit your links
$Links = array (
"Your text here" => "http://your_URL_Here.com/",
"Your text here" => "http://your_URL_Here.com/",
"Your text here" => "http://your_URL_Here.com/"
Chose your security code.
You can generate it at random.org
$code = "your code";
Just upload the two files.
Go to your-blog.com\add.php
and fill the form.
Push Hop !
If you want to link to a particular post you can copy the link from the time stamp number of the post title.
check all the <> (order of body head etc...)put the #timestamp in the ID attr of timestamp span