Automatic HTTP handlers for a controller object with specific annotations.
- Published 1-3-2023 DEADLINE: 03-4-2023
- Published 1-3-2023 DEADLINE: 08-5-2023
- Published 05-5-2023 DEADLINE: 29-5-2023
The AutoRouter library allows the automatic creation of HTTP handlers for a
based on a router object with specific annotations, according to the next example of ClassroomController
All methods annotated with @AutoRoute
and returning an Optional
are eligible
for HTTP handlers.
To avoid ambiguity with existing types of JDK we choose to prefix annotations with Ar
, i.e. ArRoute
, ArBody
For simplicity, JsonServer
is only responding with status codes of 200, 404, and 500, depending
on whether the handler returns a fulfilled Optional
, an empty Optional
or an exception.
(you may consider the use of an alternative Either
, or other type to enhance responses)
Implement the Java function
Stream<ArHttpRoute> autorouterReflect(Object controller)
, which builds a stream ofArHttpRoute
objects for each eligible method in givencontroller
object parameter. -
Implement another example of a controller object for a different domain, such as playlist, movies, football teams, basket, moto gp, or any other of your choice. Implement the corresponding tests to validate that all routes generated with
for your controller class are correctly invoked for each HTTP request.
The next figure shows the resulting stream of
for the example of a ClassroomRouter
The autorouterReflect
can be use in Kotlin through a statement such as:
class ClassroomController {
* Example: http://localhost:4000/classroom/i42d?student=jo
fun search(@ArRoute classroom: String, @ArQuery student: String?): Optional<List<Student>> {
* Example:
* curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
* --request PUT \
* --data '{"nr": "7777", "name":"Ze Gato","group":"11", "semester":"3"}' \
* http://localhost:4000/classroom/i42d/students/7777
@AutoRoute("/classroom/{classroom}/students/{nr}", method = PUT)
fun addStudent(
@ArRoute classroom: String,
@ArRoute nr: Int,
@ArBody s: Student
): Optional<Student> {
* Example:
* curl --request DELETE http://localhost:4000/classroom/i42d/students/4536
@AutoRoute("/classroom/{classroom}/students/{nr}", method = DELETE)
fun removeStudent(@ArRoute classroom: String, @ArRoute nr: Int) : Optional<Student> {
In this workout we follow a different approach to invoke the functions of a controller object.
Instead of using Reflection we will generate different implementations of ArHttpHandler
for each function in controller object, as denoted in the next figure.
Notice, these implementations (e.g. ArHttpHandlerSearch
, ArHttpHandlerAddStudent
, ArHttpHandlerRemoveStudent
do not use reflection to call the methods of ClassroomController
Implement the Java function Stream<ArHttpRoute> autorouterDynamic(Object controller)
, which builds
a stream of ArHttpRoute
objects for each eligible method in given controller
object parameter.
To run these benchmarks on you local machine just run:
./gradlew jmhJar
And then:
java -jar autorouter-bench/build/libs/autorouter-bench-jmh.jar -i 4 -wi 4 -f 1 -r 2 -w 2
4 iterations-wi
4 warmup iterations-f
1 fork-r
2 run each iteration for 2 seconds-w
2 run each warmup iteration for 2 seconds.
Build an extension function Path.watchNewFilesContent(): Sequence<Sequence<String>>
that registers a WatchService
to given Path
returns an sequence with the content of new or modified files
(i.e. each files's content is a Sequence<String>
To that end, you should first create a new WatchService
by using the
method of the FileSystem
class, as follows:
val service = path.fileSystem.newWatchService()
After that, you may register that path as a Watchable
of the WatchService
In former example we are registering for events that create, modify or delete an entry in a directory. More details here
Next is an example of an event processing loop:
path.fileSystem.newWatchService().use { service ->
// Register the path to the service and watch for events
// Start the infinite polling loop
while (true) {
val key = service.take()
// Dequeueing events
for (watchEvent in key.pollEvents()) {
// Get the type of the event
when(watchEvent.kind()) {
OVERFLOW -> continue // loop
if (!key.reset()) {
break // loop
You should develop a unit test that checks if the resulting sequence of
the watchNewFilesContent
produces a new Sequence<String>
with the content
of new files.
Your tests, should also confirm that making a concurrent change to the content of the new file after the File has been watched and before getting the first item from iterator is visible on the iteration.
Make a proposal and modify the annotations API of the AutoRouter library to let programmers express routes that return an sequence.
You should also modify the JsonServer
to support this new kind of routes that
should continuously write a new HTML paragraph for each String
in a sequence.
To that end, you may use the underlying Javalin OutputStream
through a
, such as:
Javalin.create().also {
it.get("/") { ctx ->
ctx.res().writer.use { writer ->
Consider the response is never finished by the server, but only when the client terminates the connection.