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Laravel Enum Helpers

This package brings some helpers to native PHP Enums

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You can install the package via composer:

composer require isap-ou/laravel-enum-helpers

You will most likely need to edit the extensive configuration, so you can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="enum-helpers-config"

Default config

return [
    'enum_locations' => [
        'app/Enums' => '\\App\\Enums\\',

    'label' => [
        'prefix' => null,
        'namespace' => null,

    'post_migrate' => true,

    'js_objects_file' => 'resources/js/enums.js',
  1. enum_locations - path where enums located. Key is directory with enums, value - namespace for specified directory
  2. post_migrate - enable or disable post migrate event listener
  3. js_objects_file - path for generated js output
  4. label.prefix - get default prefix for translations of enum fields
  5. label.namespace - get default prefix for translations of enum namespace (when using as part of own package)

Available helpers

Migration helper

The way easy to add all enums to database column.

Just add to Enum trait InteractWithCollection

use IsapOu\EnumHelpers\Concerns\InteractWithCollection;

enum ExampleEnum: string

    use InteractWithCollection;

    case ENUM_ONE = 'enum_one';
    case ENUM_TWO = 'enum_two';

And in migration class

use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;
use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;

return new class extends Migration
     * Run the migrations.
    public function up(): void
        Schema::create('table_name', function (Blueprint $table){
            $table->enum('enum_column', ExampleEnum::values()->toArray());

Update enum columns in DB

Artisan command allows update available(possible) values for specific enum column.

Modify enum:

use IsapOu\EnumHelpers\Contracts\UpdatableEnumColumns;

enum ExampleEnum: string implements UpdatableEnumColumns

    case ENUM_ONE = 'enum_one';
    case ENUM_TWO = 'enum_two';
    public static function tables(): array
        return [
            'table_name' => 'enum_column'

And run command

php artisan enum-helpers:migrate:enums

There is also a listener enabled by default that will run after a successful migration. To disable it edit enum-helpers.php:

return [
    'post_migrate' => false,

Convert PHP Enums to JS objects

Artisan command allows generate js objects based on enums

Modify enum:

use IsapOu\EnumHelpers\Contracts\UpdatableEnumColumns;

enum ExampleEnum: string implements JsConvertibleEnum
    case ENUM_ONE = 'enum_one';
    case ENUM_TWO = 'enum_two';

And run command

php artisan enum-helpers:js:export

Output will

export const ExampleEnum = Object.freeze({ENUM_ONE: 'enum_one', ENUM_TWO: 'enum_two'})

You can specify output path in config enum-helpers.php

return [
    'js_objects_file' => 'resources/js/enums.js'

Label Helper

The Label helper allows you to transform an enum instance into a textual label, making it useful for displaying human-readable, translatable enum values in your UI.

use IsapOu\EnumHelpers\Concerns\HasLabel;

enum ExampleEnum: string
    use HasLabel;

    case ENUM_ONE = 'enum_one';
    case ENUM_TWO = 'enum_two';

You can retrieve a textual label for an enum case using the getLabel method:


By default, the getLabel method attempts to find a translation key, following this format: ExampleEnum.ENUM_ONE. 1. ExampleEnum - The class name of the enum. 2. ENUM_ONE - The enum case name.


The getLabel method accepts three optional parameters: 1. prefix: Prepends a prefix to the translation key. 2. namespace: Prepends a namespace to the translation key. This is particularly useful when developing packages. 3. locale: Allows you to specify the locale for translation. If not provided, the app’s default locale will be used.

Example with custom parameters:
ExampleEnum::ENUM_ONE->getLabel('custom_prefix', 'custom_namespace', 'fr');

This will retrieve the French (fr) translation with the specified prefix and namespace.

getLabels Method

The getLabels method returns a collection of labels for all enum cases, making it convenient to retrieve or display translatable labels for multiple enum values at once.

$labels = ExampleEnum::getLabels();

// Output:
// Illuminate\Support\Collection {#1234
//     all: [
//         "ENUM_ONE" => "Enum One Label",
//         "ENUM_TWO" => "Enum Two Label",
//     ],
// }
Customizing Prefix, Namespace, and Locale

You can customize the prefix, namespace, and locale for the translations when retrieving labels for all cases:

$customLabels = ExampleEnum::getLabels('custom_prefix', 'custom_namespace', 'fr');

Global Configuration for Prefix and Namespace

You can define the prefix and namespace globally in the configuration file enum-helpers.config, or override them on the enum level by defining the following methods:

protected function getPrefix(): ?string
    return 'prefix';

protected function getNamespace(): ?string
    return 'namespace';

The global or per-enum configurations will be used unless you provide custom values when calling getLabel or getLabels.

Optional. Interface \IsapOu\EnumHelpers\Contracts\HasLabel for better IDE support

For better IDE support, you can implement the \IsapOu\EnumHelpers\Contracts\HasLabel interface. This helps provide autocomplete suggestions and improves code hinting for the getLabel method when working with enums.

FilamentPHP Compatibility

This helper is fully compatible with Enums in FilamentPHP

use Filament\Support\Contracts\HasLabel;

enum ExampleEnum: string implements HasLabel
    use HasLabel;

    case ENUM_ONE = 'enum_one';
    case ENUM_TWO = 'enum_two';


Please, submit bugs or feature requests via the Github issues.

Pull requests are welcomed!



This project is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT License.

You are free to use, modify, and distribute it in your projects, as long as you comply with the terms of the license.

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