The main repository for all things sea-d45! The assignments org lives here: sea-d45-javascript-assignments #Week_1 Node Basics and Tooling
- modular patterns
- basic testing
- gulp
- npm
- package.json
- buffers
- event emitters
- streams
- fs #Week_2 Vanilla Node Servers
- tcp servers
- http servers
- working with pipes
- simple routing
- sending html files #Week_3 Express and Mongodb
- express
- express middleware
- mongodb
- testing REST apis
- basic http authentication
- token based authentication #Week_5 Angular Basics
- Client side build process
- including Angular in a build
- Angular components
- Angular controllers
- $scope and you
- Angular CRUD backed by a REST API
- $http
- unit testing Angular #Week_6 Advanced Angular
- angular services
- angular directives
- angular routing
- angular root level config
- angular providers
- cookies and angular #Week_7 Ionic
- android sdk
- building ionic apps
- ionic app structure
- integrating webpack with ionic
- cordova hooks
- mounting controllers
- ionic components/directives
- CORS requests
- push notifications