CLCascade is originally a library to create twitter-like UI in iPad apps created by TEAM.
I created this fork for a very good reason : be able to push any type of controller which inherits from UIViewController, and not only CLViewController. If you need any help please contact me at
Here are the differences from the original fork :
- Push any UIViewController
- Shadow added on the left and the right of the panels
- iOS 5 specific bug correction with freezing interface
- New way to present modal view controller by opening the parent view
CLCascade is a set of projects:
- Cascade - on top of that you can build a twitter like swipe tabs
- ExtraDetailTableView - additional view attached to the cell (click and drag with two fingers down)
Simple project screencast: Screencast
Integration example (iAddict v2)
- Emil Wojtaszek
- Marian Paul