A network graph consists of a list of nodes connected by edges.
type alias Graph node =
{ edges : List Edge
, nodes : List node
A network graph consists of a list of nodes connected by edges.
The node type of the Graph is abstract to allow you to use records extending the type Node. Most functions provided by this work with Graph Node.
Two outputs are supported JSON or DOT language (GraphViz):
digraph G { rankdir=TB
"a" [shape=box style="bold, filled" fillColor="#ddd" label="a"];
"b" [shape=box style="bold, filled" fillColor="#ddd" label="b"];
"c" [shape=box style="bold, filled" fillColor="#ddd" label="c"];
"a" -> "b";
"b" -> "c";
"c" -> "a";
To install all tools and run elm-make
: make build