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503 lines (361 loc) · 26.5 KB

File metadata and controls

503 lines (361 loc) · 26.5 KB


All URIs are relative to

Method HTTP request Description
DatacentersServersNicsFirewallrulesDelete Delete /datacenters/{datacenterId}/servers/{serverId}/nics/{nicId}/firewallrules/{firewallruleId} Delete firewall rules
DatacentersServersNicsFirewallrulesFindById Get /datacenters/{datacenterId}/servers/{serverId}/nics/{nicId}/firewallrules/{firewallruleId} Retrieve firewall rules
DatacentersServersNicsFirewallrulesGet Get /datacenters/{datacenterId}/servers/{serverId}/nics/{nicId}/firewallrules List firewall rules
DatacentersServersNicsFirewallrulesPatch Patch /datacenters/{datacenterId}/servers/{serverId}/nics/{nicId}/firewallrules/{firewallruleId} Partially modify firewall rules
DatacentersServersNicsFirewallrulesPost Post /datacenters/{datacenterId}/servers/{serverId}/nics/{nicId}/firewallrules Create firewall rules
DatacentersServersNicsFirewallrulesPut Put /datacenters/{datacenterId}/servers/{serverId}/nics/{nicId}/firewallrules/{firewallruleId} Modify firewall rules


var result  = DatacentersServersNicsFirewallrulesDelete(ctx, datacenterId, serverId, nicId, firewallruleId)

Delete firewall rules


package main

import (
    openapiclient "./openapi"

func main() {
    datacenterId := "datacenterId_example" // string | The unique ID of the data center.
    serverId := "serverId_example" // string | The unique ID of the server.
    nicId := "nicId_example" // string | The unique ID of the NIC.
    firewallruleId := "firewallruleId_example" // string | The unique ID of the firewall rule.
    pretty := true // bool | Controls whether the response is pretty-printed (with indentations and new lines). (optional) (default to true)
    depth := int32(56) // int32 | Controls the detail depth of the response objects.  GET /datacenters/[ID]  - depth=0: Only direct properties are included; children (servers and other elements) are not included.  - depth=1: Direct properties and children references are included.  - depth=2: Direct properties and children properties are included.  - depth=3: Direct properties and children properties and children's children are included.  - depth=... and so on (optional) (default to 0)
    xContractNumber := int32(56) // int32 | Users with multiple contracts must provide the contract number, for which all API requests are to be executed. (optional)

    configuration := openapiclient.NewConfiguration()
    apiClient := openapiclient.NewAPIClient(configuration)
    resp, r, err := apiClient.FirewallRulesApi.DatacentersServersNicsFirewallrulesDelete(context.Background(), datacenterId, serverId, nicId, firewallruleId).Pretty(pretty).Depth(depth).XContractNumber(xContractNumber).Execute()
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `FirewallRulesApi.DatacentersServersNicsFirewallrulesDelete``: %v\n", err)
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v\n", r)

Path Parameters

Name Type Description Notes
ctx context.Context context for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc.
datacenterId string The unique ID of the data center.
serverId string The unique ID of the server.
nicId string The unique ID of the NIC.
firewallruleId string The unique ID of the firewall rule.

Other Parameters

Other parameters are passed through a pointer to a apiDatacentersServersNicsFirewallrulesDeleteRequest struct via the builder pattern

Name Type Description Notes
pretty bool Controls whether the response is pretty-printed (with indentations and new lines). [default to true]
depth int32 Controls the detail depth of the response objects. GET /datacenters/[ID] - depth=0: Only direct properties are included; children (servers and other elements) are not included. - depth=1: Direct properties and children references are included. - depth=2: Direct properties and children properties are included. - depth=3: Direct properties and children properties and children's children are included. - depth=... and so on [default to 0]
xContractNumber int32 Users with multiple contracts must provide the contract number, for which all API requests are to be executed.

Return type

(empty response body)

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json


var result FirewallRule = DatacentersServersNicsFirewallrulesFindById(ctx, datacenterId, serverId, nicId, firewallruleId)

Retrieve firewall rules


package main

import (
    openapiclient "./openapi"

func main() {
    datacenterId := "datacenterId_example" // string | The unique ID of the data center.
    serverId := "serverId_example" // string | The unique ID of the server.
    nicId := "nicId_example" // string | The unique ID of the NIC.
    firewallruleId := "firewallruleId_example" // string | The unique ID of the firewall rule.
    pretty := true // bool | Controls whether the response is pretty-printed (with indentations and new lines). (optional) (default to true)
    depth := int32(56) // int32 | Controls the detail depth of the response objects.  GET /datacenters/[ID]  - depth=0: Only direct properties are included; children (servers and other elements) are not included.  - depth=1: Direct properties and children references are included.  - depth=2: Direct properties and children properties are included.  - depth=3: Direct properties and children properties and children's children are included.  - depth=... and so on (optional) (default to 0)
    xContractNumber := int32(56) // int32 | Users with multiple contracts must provide the contract number, for which all API requests are to be executed. (optional)

    configuration := openapiclient.NewConfiguration()
    apiClient := openapiclient.NewAPIClient(configuration)
    resp, r, err := apiClient.FirewallRulesApi.DatacentersServersNicsFirewallrulesFindById(context.Background(), datacenterId, serverId, nicId, firewallruleId).Pretty(pretty).Depth(depth).XContractNumber(xContractNumber).Execute()
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `FirewallRulesApi.DatacentersServersNicsFirewallrulesFindById``: %v\n", err)
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v\n", r)
    // response from `DatacentersServersNicsFirewallrulesFindById`: FirewallRule
    fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Response from `FirewallRulesApi.DatacentersServersNicsFirewallrulesFindById`: %v\n", resp)

Path Parameters

Name Type Description Notes
ctx context.Context context for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc.
datacenterId string The unique ID of the data center.
serverId string The unique ID of the server.
nicId string The unique ID of the NIC.
firewallruleId string The unique ID of the firewall rule.

Other Parameters

Other parameters are passed through a pointer to a apiDatacentersServersNicsFirewallrulesFindByIdRequest struct via the builder pattern

Name Type Description Notes
pretty bool Controls whether the response is pretty-printed (with indentations and new lines). [default to true]
depth int32 Controls the detail depth of the response objects. GET /datacenters/[ID] - depth=0: Only direct properties are included; children (servers and other elements) are not included. - depth=1: Direct properties and children references are included. - depth=2: Direct properties and children properties are included. - depth=3: Direct properties and children properties and children's children are included. - depth=... and so on [default to 0]
xContractNumber int32 Users with multiple contracts must provide the contract number, for which all API requests are to be executed.

Return type


HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json


var result FirewallRules = DatacentersServersNicsFirewallrulesGet(ctx, datacenterId, serverId, nicId)

List firewall rules


package main

import (
    openapiclient "./openapi"

func main() {
    datacenterId := "datacenterId_example" // string | The unique ID of the data center.
    serverId := "serverId_example" // string | The unique ID of the server.
    nicId := "nicId_example" // string | The unique ID of the NIC.
    pretty := true // bool | Controls whether the response is pretty-printed (with indentations and new lines). (optional) (default to true)
    depth := int32(56) // int32 | Controls the detail depth of the response objects.  GET /datacenters/[ID]  - depth=0: Only direct properties are included; children (servers and other elements) are not included.  - depth=1: Direct properties and children references are included.  - depth=2: Direct properties and children properties are included.  - depth=3: Direct properties and children properties and children's children are included.  - depth=... and so on (optional) (default to 0)
    xContractNumber := int32(56) // int32 | Users with multiple contracts must provide the contract number, for which all API requests are to be executed. (optional)
    offset := int32(56) // int32 | The first element (from the complete list of the elements) to include in the response (used together with <b><i>limit</i></b> for pagination). (optional) (default to 0)
    limit := int32(56) // int32 | The maximum number of elements to return (use together with offset for pagination). (optional) (default to 1000)

    configuration := openapiclient.NewConfiguration()
    apiClient := openapiclient.NewAPIClient(configuration)
    resp, r, err := apiClient.FirewallRulesApi.DatacentersServersNicsFirewallrulesGet(context.Background(), datacenterId, serverId, nicId).Pretty(pretty).Depth(depth).XContractNumber(xContractNumber).Offset(offset).Limit(limit).Execute()
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `FirewallRulesApi.DatacentersServersNicsFirewallrulesGet``: %v\n", err)
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v\n", r)
    // response from `DatacentersServersNicsFirewallrulesGet`: FirewallRules
    fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Response from `FirewallRulesApi.DatacentersServersNicsFirewallrulesGet`: %v\n", resp)

Path Parameters

Name Type Description Notes
ctx context.Context context for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc.
datacenterId string The unique ID of the data center.
serverId string The unique ID of the server.
nicId string The unique ID of the NIC.

Other Parameters

Other parameters are passed through a pointer to a apiDatacentersServersNicsFirewallrulesGetRequest struct via the builder pattern

Name Type Description Notes
pretty bool Controls whether the response is pretty-printed (with indentations and new lines). [default to true]
depth int32 Controls the detail depth of the response objects. GET /datacenters/[ID] - depth=0: Only direct properties are included; children (servers and other elements) are not included. - depth=1: Direct properties and children references are included. - depth=2: Direct properties and children properties are included. - depth=3: Direct properties and children properties and children's children are included. - depth=... and so on [default to 0]
xContractNumber int32 Users with multiple contracts must provide the contract number, for which all API requests are to be executed.
offset int32 The first element (from the complete list of the elements) to include in the response (used together with <b><i>limit</i></b> for pagination). [default to 0]
limit int32 The maximum number of elements to return (use together with offset for pagination). [default to 1000]

Return type


HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json


var result FirewallRule = DatacentersServersNicsFirewallrulesPatch(ctx, datacenterId, serverId, nicId, firewallruleId)

Partially modify firewall rules


package main

import (
    openapiclient "./openapi"

func main() {
    datacenterId := "datacenterId_example" // string | The unique ID of the data center.
    serverId := "serverId_example" // string | The unique ID of the server.
    nicId := "nicId_example" // string | The unique ID of the NIC.
    firewallruleId := "firewallruleId_example" // string | The unique ID of the firewall rule.
    firewallrule := *openapiclient.NewFirewallruleProperties("TCP") // FirewallruleProperties | The properties of the firewall rule to be updated.
    pretty := true // bool | Controls whether the response is pretty-printed (with indentations and new lines). (optional) (default to true)
    depth := int32(56) // int32 | Controls the detail depth of the response objects.  GET /datacenters/[ID]  - depth=0: Only direct properties are included; children (servers and other elements) are not included.  - depth=1: Direct properties and children references are included.  - depth=2: Direct properties and children properties are included.  - depth=3: Direct properties and children properties and children's children are included.  - depth=... and so on (optional) (default to 0)
    xContractNumber := int32(56) // int32 | Users with multiple contracts must provide the contract number, for which all API requests are to be executed. (optional)

    configuration := openapiclient.NewConfiguration()
    apiClient := openapiclient.NewAPIClient(configuration)
    resp, r, err := apiClient.FirewallRulesApi.DatacentersServersNicsFirewallrulesPatch(context.Background(), datacenterId, serverId, nicId, firewallruleId).Firewallrule(firewallrule).Pretty(pretty).Depth(depth).XContractNumber(xContractNumber).Execute()
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `FirewallRulesApi.DatacentersServersNicsFirewallrulesPatch``: %v\n", err)
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v\n", r)
    // response from `DatacentersServersNicsFirewallrulesPatch`: FirewallRule
    fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Response from `FirewallRulesApi.DatacentersServersNicsFirewallrulesPatch`: %v\n", resp)

Path Parameters

Name Type Description Notes
ctx context.Context context for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc.
datacenterId string The unique ID of the data center.
serverId string The unique ID of the server.
nicId string The unique ID of the NIC.
firewallruleId string The unique ID of the firewall rule.

Other Parameters

Other parameters are passed through a pointer to a apiDatacentersServersNicsFirewallrulesPatchRequest struct via the builder pattern

Name Type Description Notes
firewallrule FirewallruleProperties The properties of the firewall rule to be updated.
pretty bool Controls whether the response is pretty-printed (with indentations and new lines). [default to true]
depth int32 Controls the detail depth of the response objects. GET /datacenters/[ID] - depth=0: Only direct properties are included; children (servers and other elements) are not included. - depth=1: Direct properties and children references are included. - depth=2: Direct properties and children properties are included. - depth=3: Direct properties and children properties and children's children are included. - depth=... and so on [default to 0]
xContractNumber int32 Users with multiple contracts must provide the contract number, for which all API requests are to be executed.

Return type


HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json


var result FirewallRule = DatacentersServersNicsFirewallrulesPost(ctx, datacenterId, serverId, nicId)

Create firewall rules


package main

import (
    openapiclient "./openapi"

func main() {
    datacenterId := "datacenterId_example" // string | The unique ID of the data center.
    serverId := "serverId_example" // string | The unique ID of the server.
    nicId := "nicId_example" // string | The unique ID of the NIC.
    firewallrule := *openapiclient.NewFirewallRule(*openapiclient.NewFirewallruleProperties("TCP")) // FirewallRule | The firewall rule to create.
    pretty := true // bool | Controls whether the response is pretty-printed (with indentations and new lines). (optional) (default to true)
    depth := int32(56) // int32 | Controls the detail depth of the response objects.  GET /datacenters/[ID]  - depth=0: Only direct properties are included; children (servers and other elements) are not included.  - depth=1: Direct properties and children references are included.  - depth=2: Direct properties and children properties are included.  - depth=3: Direct properties and children properties and children's children are included.  - depth=... and so on (optional) (default to 0)
    xContractNumber := int32(56) // int32 | Users with multiple contracts must provide the contract number, for which all API requests are to be executed. (optional)

    configuration := openapiclient.NewConfiguration()
    apiClient := openapiclient.NewAPIClient(configuration)
    resp, r, err := apiClient.FirewallRulesApi.DatacentersServersNicsFirewallrulesPost(context.Background(), datacenterId, serverId, nicId).Firewallrule(firewallrule).Pretty(pretty).Depth(depth).XContractNumber(xContractNumber).Execute()
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `FirewallRulesApi.DatacentersServersNicsFirewallrulesPost``: %v\n", err)
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v\n", r)
    // response from `DatacentersServersNicsFirewallrulesPost`: FirewallRule
    fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Response from `FirewallRulesApi.DatacentersServersNicsFirewallrulesPost`: %v\n", resp)

Path Parameters

Name Type Description Notes
ctx context.Context context for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc.
datacenterId string The unique ID of the data center.
serverId string The unique ID of the server.
nicId string The unique ID of the NIC.

Other Parameters

Other parameters are passed through a pointer to a apiDatacentersServersNicsFirewallrulesPostRequest struct via the builder pattern

Name Type Description Notes
firewallrule FirewallRule The firewall rule to create.
pretty bool Controls whether the response is pretty-printed (with indentations and new lines). [default to true]
depth int32 Controls the detail depth of the response objects. GET /datacenters/[ID] - depth=0: Only direct properties are included; children (servers and other elements) are not included. - depth=1: Direct properties and children references are included. - depth=2: Direct properties and children properties are included. - depth=3: Direct properties and children properties and children's children are included. - depth=... and so on [default to 0]
xContractNumber int32 Users with multiple contracts must provide the contract number, for which all API requests are to be executed.

Return type


HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json


var result FirewallRule = DatacentersServersNicsFirewallrulesPut(ctx, datacenterId, serverId, nicId, firewallruleId)

Modify firewall rules


package main

import (
    openapiclient "./openapi"

func main() {
    datacenterId := "datacenterId_example" // string | The unique ID of the data center.
    serverId := "serverId_example" // string | The unique ID of the server.
    nicId := "nicId_example" // string | The unique ID of the NIC.
    firewallruleId := "firewallruleId_example" // string | The unique ID of the firewall rule.
    firewallrule := *openapiclient.NewFirewallRule(*openapiclient.NewFirewallruleProperties("TCP")) // FirewallRule | The modified firewall rule.
    pretty := true // bool | Controls whether the response is pretty-printed (with indentations and new lines). (optional) (default to true)
    depth := int32(56) // int32 | Controls the detail depth of the response objects.  GET /datacenters/[ID]  - depth=0: Only direct properties are included; children (servers and other elements) are not included.  - depth=1: Direct properties and children references are included.  - depth=2: Direct properties and children properties are included.  - depth=3: Direct properties and children properties and children's children are included.  - depth=... and so on (optional) (default to 0)
    xContractNumber := int32(56) // int32 | Users with multiple contracts must provide the contract number, for which all API requests are to be executed. (optional)

    configuration := openapiclient.NewConfiguration()
    apiClient := openapiclient.NewAPIClient(configuration)
    resp, r, err := apiClient.FirewallRulesApi.DatacentersServersNicsFirewallrulesPut(context.Background(), datacenterId, serverId, nicId, firewallruleId).Firewallrule(firewallrule).Pretty(pretty).Depth(depth).XContractNumber(xContractNumber).Execute()
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `FirewallRulesApi.DatacentersServersNicsFirewallrulesPut``: %v\n", err)
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v\n", r)
    // response from `DatacentersServersNicsFirewallrulesPut`: FirewallRule
    fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Response from `FirewallRulesApi.DatacentersServersNicsFirewallrulesPut`: %v\n", resp)

Path Parameters

Name Type Description Notes
ctx context.Context context for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc.
datacenterId string The unique ID of the data center.
serverId string The unique ID of the server.
nicId string The unique ID of the NIC.
firewallruleId string The unique ID of the firewall rule.

Other Parameters

Other parameters are passed through a pointer to a apiDatacentersServersNicsFirewallrulesPutRequest struct via the builder pattern

Name Type Description Notes
firewallrule FirewallRule The modified firewall rule.
pretty bool Controls whether the response is pretty-printed (with indentations and new lines). [default to true]
depth int32 Controls the detail depth of the response objects. GET /datacenters/[ID] - depth=0: Only direct properties are included; children (servers and other elements) are not included. - depth=1: Direct properties and children references are included. - depth=2: Direct properties and children properties are included. - depth=3: Direct properties and children properties and children's children are included. - depth=... and so on [default to 0]
xContractNumber int32 Users with multiple contracts must provide the contract number, for which all API requests are to be executed.

Return type


HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json