Ansible script that installs selenium and all the requirements for the popular webdrivers
This role is meant to be run locally. So see the example playbook for how to do that.
mkdir -p selenium-installation/roles
cd selenium-installation
touch playbook.yml
git clone roles/invokemedia.selenium-setup
# these ARE NOT browser versions! These are the versions of the drivers to download and install
# geck driver version
gecko_version: 0.17.0
# chrome driver version
chrome_version: 2.9
# safari driver version
safari_version: 2.48
# selenium driver version
selenium_version: 3.4.0
Here is how you would use the default setup setup.
- hosts:
connection: local
gather_facts: no
- { role: invokemedia.selenium-setup }
Then use ansible-playbook playbook.yml -i 'localhost,'
to play.
This will create a selenium-server.jar
in /usr/local/bin/
and also create a /usr/local/bin/selenium
which is a script that you can use to simply launch the server.