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CI/CD code to manage and deploy to Nomad clusters. CI/CD uses a GitHub Actions reusable workflow; deploy phase sends just built containers to a nomad cluster. Contains helpful aliases for devs, including "hot sync" of code into deploys

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Code, setup, and information to:

  • setup automatic deployment to Nomad clusters from GitHub & GitLab CI/CD pipelines
  • interact with, monitor, and customize deployments

GitHub Overview

We have a repo that uses GitHub Actions reusable workflows for full CI/CD pipelines.

More documentation coming soon.

GitLab Overview

Deployment leverages a simple .gitlab-ci.yml using GitLab runners & CI/CD ([build] and [test]); then switches to custom [deploy] phase to deploy docker containers into nomad.

This also contains demo "hi world" webapp.


  • nomad deployment (management, scheduling)
  • consul networking (service discovery, healthchecking, secrets storage)
  • caddy routing (load balancing, automatic https)


Want to deploy to nomad? 🚀

  • verify project's [Settings] [CI/CD] [Variables] has either Group or Project level settings for:
    • ( admins will often have set this already for you at the group-level)
  • simply make your project have this simple .gitlab-ci.yml in top-level dir:
  - remote: ''


  - remote: ''
  • if you want a [test] phase, you can add this to the .gitlab-ci.yml file above:
  stage: test
    - cd /app   # or wherever in your image
    - npm test  # or whatever your test scripts/steps are
  • [optional] you can instead copy the included file and customize/extend it.
  • [optional] you can copy this project.nomad file into your repo top level and customize/extend it if desired
  • ... but there's a good chance you won't need to 😎

Note: For urls like -- watch out for routes defined in your app with trailing slashes – they may redirect to More information here.


There are various options that can be used in conjunction with the project.nomad and .gitlab-ci.yml files, keys:

  • See the top of project.nomad
  • Our customizations always prefix with NOMAD_VAR_.
  • You can simply insert them, with values, in your project's .gitlab-ci.yml file before including our gitlab.yml like above.
  • Examples 👇

Don't actually deploy containers to nomad

Perhaps your project just wants to leverage the CI (Continuous Integration) for [buil] and/or [test] steps - but not CD (Continuous Deployment). An example might be a back-end container that runs elsewhere and doesn't have web listener.


Custom default RAM expectations from (default) 300 MB to 1 GB

This value is the expected value for your container's average running needs/usage, helpful for nomad scheduling purposes. It is a "soft limit" and we use ten times this amount to be the amount used for a "hard limit". If your allocated container exceeds the hard limit, the container may be restarted by nomad if there is memory pressure on the Virtual Machine the container is running on.


Custom default CPU expectations from (default) 100 MHz to 1 GHz

This value is the expected value for your container's average running needs/usage, helpful for nomad scheduling purposes. It is a "soft limit". If your allocated container exceeds your specified limit, the container may be restarted by nomad if there is CPU pressure on the Virtual Machine the container is running on. (So far, CPU-based restarts seem very rare in practice, since most VMs tend to "fill" up from aggregate container RAM requirements first 😊)


Custom healthcheck, change from (default) HTTP to TCP:

This can be useful if your webapp serves using websockets, doesnt respond to http, or typically takes too long (or can't) respond with a 200 OK status. (Think of it like switching to just a ping on your main port your webapp listens on).


Custom healthcheck, change path from (default) / to /healthcheck:

  NOMAD_VAR_CHECK_PATH: '/healthcheck'

Custom healthcheck run time, change from (default) 2s (2 seconds) to 1m (one minute)

If your healthcheck may take awhile to run & succeed, you can increase the amount of time the consul healthcheck allows your HTTP request to run.


Custom time to start healthchecking after container re/start from (default) 20s (20 second) to 3m (3 minutes)

If your container takes awhile, after startup, to settle before healthchecking can work reliably, you can extend the wait time for the first healthcheck to run.


Custom running container count from (default) 1 to 3

You can run more than one container for increased reliability, more request processing, and more reliable uptimes (in the event of one or more Virtual Machines hosting containers having issues).

For users, we suggest instead to switch your production deploy to our alternate production cluster.

Keep in mind, you will have 2+ containers running simultaneously (usually, but not always, on different VMs). So if your webapp uses any shared resources, like backends not in containers, or "persistent volumes", that you will need to think about concurrency, potentially multiple writers, etc. 😊


Custom make NFS /home/ available in running containers, readonly

Allow your containers to see NFS /home/ home directories, readonly.

  NOMAD_VAR_VOLUMES: '["/home:/home:ro"]'

Custom make NFS /home/ available in running containers, read/write

Allow your containers to see NFS /home/ home directories, readable and writable. Please be highly aware of operational security in your container when using this (eg: switch your USER in your Dockerfile to another non-root user; use "prepared statements" with any DataBase interactions; use [](Content Security Policy) in all your pages to eliminate [](XSS attacks, etc.)

  NOMAD_VAR_VOLUMES: '["/home:/home:rw"]'

Custom hostname for your main branch deploy

Your deploy will get a nice semantic hostname by default, based upon "slugged" formula like: https://[GITLAB_GROUP]-[GITLAB_PROJECT_OR_REPO_NAME]-[BRANCH_NAME]. However, you can override this if needed. This custom hostname will only pertain to a branch named main (or master [sic])


Custom hostnameS for your main branch deploy

Similar to prior example, but you can have your main deployment respond to multiple hostnames if desired.


Multiple containers in same job spec

If you want to run multiple containers in the same job and group, set this to true. For example, you might want to run a Postgresql 3rd party container from bitnami, and have the main/http front-end container talk to it. Being in the same group will ensure all containers run on the same VM; which makes communication between them extremely easy. You simply need to inspect environment variables.

You can see a minimal example of two containers with a "front end" talking to a "backend" here

See also a postgres DB setup example.


Force docker pull before container starts

If your deployment's job spec doesn't change between pipelines for some reason, you can set this to ensure docker pull always happens before your container starts up. A good example where you might see this is a periodic/batch/cron process that fires up a pipeline without any repository commit. Depending on your workflow and Dockerfile from there, if you see "stale" versions of containers, use this customization.


When a new deploy is happening, live traffic continues to old deploy about to be replaced, while a new deploy fires off in the background and nomad begins healthchecking. Only once it seems healthy, is traffic cutover to the new container and the old container removed. (If unhealthy, new container is removed). That can mean two deploys can run simultaneously. Depending on your setup and constraints, you might not want this and can disable canaries with this snippet below. (Keep in mind your deploy will temporarily 404 during re-deploy without using blue/green deploys w/ canaries).


Change your deploy to a cron-like batch/periodic

If you deployment is something you want to run periodically, instead of continuously, you can use this variable to switch to a nomad type="batch"


Combine your NOMAD_VAR_IS_BATCH override, with a small job.nomad file in your repo to setup your cron behaviour.

Example job.nomad file contents, to run the deploy every hour at 15m past the hour:

type = "batch"
periodic {
    cron = "15 * * * * *"
    prohibit_overlap = false  # must be false cause of kv env vars task

Custom deploy networking

If your admin allows it, there might be some useful reasons to use VM host networking for your deploy. A good example is "relaying" UDP broadcast messages in/out of a container. Please see Tracey if interested, archive folks. :)


Custom namespacing

A job can be limited to a specific 'namespace' for purposes of ACL 'gating'. In the example below, a cluster admin could create a custom NOMAD_TOKEN that only allows the bearer to access jobs part of the namespace team-titan.

  NOMAD_VAR_NAMESPACE: 'team-titan'

More customizations

There are even more, less common, ways to customize your deploys.

With other variables, like NOMAD_VAR_PORTS, you can use dynamic port allocation, setup daemons that use raw TCP, and more.

Please see the top area of project.nomad for "Persistent Volumes" (think a "disk" that survives container restarts), additional open ports into your webapp, and more.

See also this section below.

Deploying to production nomad cluster ( only)

Our production cluster has 3 VMs and will deploy your repo to a running container on each VM, using haproxy load balancer to balance requests.

This should ensure much higher availability and handle more requests.

Keep in mind if your deployment uses a "persistent volume" or talks to other backend services, they'll be getting traffic and access from multiple containers simultaneously.

Setting up your repo to deploy to production is easy!

  • add a CI/CD Secret NOMAD_TOKEN_PROD with the nomad cluster value (ask tracey or scott)
    • make it: protected, masked, hidden Production CI/CD Secret
  • Make a new branch named production (presumably from your repo's latest main or master branch)
    • It should now deploy your project to a different NOMAD_ADDR url
    • Your default hostname domain will change from to
  • [GitLab only] - Protect the production branch
    • suggest using same settings as your main or master (or default) branch Protect a branch

Deploying to staging nomad cluster ( only)

Our staging cluster will deploy your repo to a running container on one of its VMs.

Setting up your repo to deploy to staging is easy!

  • add a CI/CD Secret NOMAD_TOKEN_STAGING with the nomad cluster value (ask tracey or scott)
    • make it: protected, masked, hidden (similar to production section above)
  • Make a new branch named staging (presumably from your repo's latest main or master branch)
    • It should now deploy your project to a different NOMAD_ADDR url
    • Your default hostname domain will change from to
  • [GitLab only] - Protect the staging branch
    • suggest using same settings as your main or master (or default) branch, changing production to staging here: Protect a branch

Laptop access

  • create $HOME/.config/nomad and/or get it from an admin who setup your Nomad cluster
    • @see top of aliases
    • brew install nomad
    • source $HOME/.config/nomad
      • better yet:
        • git clone
        • adjust next line depending on where you checked out the above repo
        • add this to your $HOME/.bash_profile or $HOME/.zshrc etc.
          • FI=$HOME/nomad/aliases && [ -e $FI ] && source $FI
    • then nomad status should work nicely
      • @see aliases for lots of handy aliases..
  • you can then also use your browser to visit $NOMAD_ADDR/ui/jobs
    • and enter your $NOMAD_TOKEN in the ACL requirement

Setup a Nomad Cluster

Other alternatives:

Monitoring GUI urls (via ssh tunnelling above)

Cluster Overview

  • nomad really nice overview (see Topology link ☝)
    • https://[NOMAD-HOST]:4646 (eg: $NOMAD_ADDR)
    • then enter your $NOMAD_TOKEN
  • @see aliases nom-tunnel

Inspect, poke around

nomad node status
nomad node status -allocs
nomad server members

nomad job run example.nomad
nomad job status
nomad job status example

nomad job deployments -t '{{(index . 0).ID}}' www-nomad
nomad job history -json www-nomad

nomad alloc logs -stderr -f $(nomad job status www-nomad |egrep -m1 '\srun\s' |cut -f1 -d' ')

# get CPU / RAM stats and allocations
nomad node status -self

nomad node status # OR pick a node's 1st column, then
nomad node status 01effcb8

# get list of all services, urls, and more, per nomad
wget -qO- --header "X-Nomad-Token: $NOMAD_TOKEN" $NOMAD_ADDR/v1/jobs |jq .
wget -qO- --header "X-Nomad-Token: $NOMAD_TOKEN" $NOMAD_ADDR/v1/job/JOB-NAME |jq .

# get list of all services and urls, per consul
consul catalog services -tags
wget -qO- '' |jq .

Optional add-ons to your project


In your project/repo Settings, set CI/CD environment variables starting with NOMAD_SECRET_, marked Masked but not Protected, eg: Secrets and they will show up in your running container as environment variables, named with the lead NOMAD_SECRET_ removed. Thus, you can get DATABASE_URL (etc.) set in your running container - but not have it anywhere else in your docker image and not printed/shown during CI/CD pipeline phase logging.

Persistent Volumes

Persistent Volumes (PV) are like mounted disks that get setup before your container starts and mount in as a filesystem into your running container. They are the only things that survive a running deployment update (eg: a new CI/CD pipeline), container restart, or system move to another cluster VM - hence Persistent.

You can use PV to store files and data - especially nice for databases or otherwise (eg: retain /var/lib/postgresql through restarts, etc.)

Here's how you'd update your project's .gitlab-ci.yml file, by adding these lines (suggest near top of your file):


Then the dir /pv/ will show up (blank to start with) in your running container.

If you'd like to have the mounted dir show up somewhere besides /pv in your container, you can setup like:

  NOMAD_VAR_PERSISTENT_VOLUME: '/var/lib/postgresql'

Please verify added/updated files persist through two repo CI/CD pipelines before adding important data and files. Your DevOps teams will try to ensure the VM that holds the data is backed up - but that does not happen by default without some extra setup. Your DevOps team must ensure each VM in the cluster has (the same) shared /pv/ directory. We presently use NFS for this (after some data corruption issues with glusterFS and rook/ceph).

Postgres DB

We have a postgresql example, visible to folks. But the gist, aside from a CI/CD Variable/Secret POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD, is below.

Keep in mind if you setup something like a database in a container, using a Persistent Volume (like below) you can get multiple containers each trying to write to your database backing store filesystem (one for production; one temporarily for production re-deploy "canary"; and similar 1 or 2 for every deployed branch (which is probably not what you want). So you might want to look into NOMAD_VAR_COUNT and NOMAD_VAR_COUNT_CANARIES in that case.

It's recommended to run the DB container during the prestart hook as a "sidecar" service (this will cause it to finish starting before any other group tasks initialize, avoiding service start failures due to unavailable DB, see nomad task dependencies for more info)


  NOMAD_VAR_PORTS: '{ 5000 = "http", 5432 = "db" }'
  NOMAD_VAR_PERSISTENT_VOLUME: '/bitnami/postgresql'
  # avoid 2+ containers running where both try to write to database

  - remote: ''


# used in @see group.nomad
  type = string
  default = ""


task "db" {
  driver = "docker"
  lifecycle {
    sidecar = true
    hook = "prestart"
  config {
    image = ""
    ports = ["db"]
    volumes = ["/pv/${var.CI_PROJECT_PATH_SLUG}:/bitnami/postgresql"]
  template {
    data = <<EOH
    destination = "secrets/file.env"
    env         = true

Dockerfile: (setup DB env var, then fire up django front-end..)

CMD echo DATABASE_URL=postgres://postgres:${POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD}@${NOMAD_ADDR_db}/production >| .env && python ...

Two groups, within same job, wanting to talk to each other

Normally, we strongly suggest all tasks be together in the same group. That will ensure all task containers are run on the same VM, and all tasks will get automatically managed and setup env vars, eg:


However, if for some reason you want to split your tasks into 2+ group { .. } stanzas, here is how you can get the containers to talk to each other (using consul and templating):

GitHub repo integrations

GitHub Actions

GitHub Customizing

GitHub Secrets

Helpful links

Pick your container stack / testimonials

Multi-node architecture


Requirements for CI/CD

  • docker exec ✅
    • pop into deployed container and poke around - similar to ssh
    • @see aliases nom-ssh
  • docker cp ✅
    • hot-copy edited file into running deploy (avoid full pipeline to see changes)
    • @see aliases nom-cp
    • hook in VSCode sync-rsync package to 'copy (into container) on save'
  • secrets ✅
  • load balancers ✅
  • 2+ instances HPA ✅
  • PV ✅
  • http/2 ✅
  • auto http => https ✅
  • web sockets ✅
  • auto-embed HSTS in https headers, similar to kubernetes ✅
    • eg: Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=15724800; includeSubdomains


In the past, we've made it so certain jobs are "constrained" to run on specifc 1+ cluster VM.

Here's how you can do it: You can manually add this to 1+ VM /etc/nomad/nomad.hcl file:

client {
  meta {
    "kind" = "tcp-vm"

You can add this as a new file named job.nomad in the top of a project/repo:

constraint {
  attribute = "${meta.kind}"
  operator = "set_contains"
  value = "tcp-vm"

Then deploys for this repo will only deploy to your specific VMs.


CI/CD code to manage and deploy to Nomad clusters. CI/CD uses a GitHub Actions reusable workflow; deploy phase sends just built containers to a nomad cluster. Contains helpful aliases for devs, including "hot sync" of code into deploys





