A collection of Fortran 2018 interface bindings to libmodbus, for Modbus RTU/TCP communication.
The package libmodbus has to be installed with development headers. On FreeBSD, run:
# pkg install comms/libmodbus
On Linux, instead:
# apt-get install libmodbus5 libmodbus-dev
Build and install the Fortran library using the provided Makefile:
$ make
$ make install PREFIX=/opt
Link your programs against /opt/lib/libfortran-modbus.a -lmodbus
. Optionally,
overwrite the default compiler and the compiler flags:
$ make FC=ifx FFLAGS="-O3"
Or, use the Fortran Package Manager:
$ fpm build --profile release
Build and run the test program:
$ make test
$ ./test_modbus
The following example program connects to a device via Modbus RTU and outputs two registers as a real number:
! example.f90
program main
use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
use :: modbus
use :: modbus_rtu
implicit none (type, external)
integer, parameter :: ADDRESS = 50
integer, parameter :: SLAVE = 10
integer :: stat
integer(kind=c_uint16_t) :: regs(2)
real :: f
type(c_ptr) :: ctx
ctx = c_null_ptr
stat = -1
regs = 0
mb_block: block
! Create Modbux RTU context.
ctx = modbus_new_rtu('/dev/ttyUSB0', 19200, 'E', 8, 1)
if (.not. c_associated(ctx)) exit mb_block
! Connect to device.
stat = modbus_connect(ctx)
if (stat == -1) exit mb_block
! Set slave number.
stat = modbus_set_slave(ctx, SLAVE)
if (stat == -1) exit mb_block
! Read registers.
stat = modbus_read_registers(ctx, ADDRESS, size(regs), regs)
if (stat == -1) exit mb_block
! Convert to real.
f = modbus_get_float_abcd(regs)
print '(f12.8)', f
end block mb_block
call modbus_close(ctx)
call modbus_free(ctx)
if (stat == -1) print '(a)', 'Error: operation failed'
end program main
If the Fortran library is installed to /opt/lib
, run:
$ gfortran -o example example.f90 /opt/lib/libfortran-modbus.a -lmodbus
You can add fortran-modbus as an FPM dependency:
fortran-modbus = { git = "https://github.com/interkosmos/fortran-modbus.git" }