🚀 Bootstrap your React Ant Design Apollo App in seconds
Basic starter kit for a React + Ant Design + Apollo Application - based on best practices from the React community.
- Webpack 4: Includes configuration for production and development mode
- Ant Design Components Includes integration with Ant Design Components
- Apollo Client Includes integration with Apollo Client
- Extensible: Simple and flexible – easy to adjust and extend
- No configuration overhead: Preconfigured
You need to have the Yarn installed to bootstrap your React + Ant Design + Apollo App using yarn install
npm i -g yarn
# 1. Clone the project
git clone git@github.com:inspired-solutions/react-antd-apollo-starter.git
# 2. Navigate to the new project
cd react-antd-apollo-starter
# 3. Install dependencies
# 4. Start server (runs on http://localhost:4000)
yarn dev
yarn build
generate compile files on./dist
folderyarn dev
starts server in development mode on http://localhost:4000yarn test
run jest form tests (*.test.js
or in__test__
Note: We recommend that you're using yarn to install packages from packages.json and npm to install global packages like yarn
File name | Description |
└── src/ |
Contains all files that are related to the React and Ant Design Application |
├── queries/ |
Contains all query files that you will use |
├── rates.js |
Define query for rates |
├── App.js |
React Application |
├── App.scss |
Main Styles |
├── App.test.js |
Test for the Application |
├── ExchangeRates.js |
Component test using Query component from Apollo |
├── graphql.js |
Create your Apollo Client |
├── index.js |
Main file related to Webpack |
├── index.pug |
Main Template |
├── .babelrc |
Config for Babel |
├── .editorconfig |
Config for editor |
├── .eslintrc |
Config for Eslint |
├── .gitignore |
Config file for ingore files |
├── .prettierrc |
Config for Prettier |
├── package.json |
Package file |
├── README.md |
Main Documentaion |
├── webpack.config.babel.js |
Webpack config for production |
├── webpack.config.dev.babel.js |
Webpack config for development |
├── yarn.lock |
Lock file generate by Yarn |
The react-antd-apollo-starter are maintained by the Inspired Solutions.
Your feedback is very helpful, please share your opinion and thoughts! If you have any questions or want to contribute yourself, join the #react-antd-apollo-starter
channel on our Slack.