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ADR 8 Use RIO in cardano‐cli

cardano-node-wiki edited this page Feb 10, 2025 · 7 revisions


  • Adopted 2025/02/10

Required Reading


In cardano-cli we are using ExceptT someError IO someResult pattern 292 times in function types in our codebase for different error types.


The vast majority of these errors are not used to recover, they are propagated and reported to the user.

main :: IO ()
main = toplevelExceptionHandler $ do
  envCli <- getEnvCli
  co <- Opt.customExecParser pref (opts envCli)
  orDie (docToText . renderClientCommandError) $ runClientCommand co

runClientCommand :: ClientCommand -> ExceptT ClientCommandErrors IO ()
runClientCommand = \case
  AnyEraCommand cmds ->
    firstExceptT (CmdError (renderAnyEraCommand cmds)) $ runAnyEraCommand cmds
  AddressCommand cmds ->
    firstExceptT AddressCmdError $ runAddressCmds cmds
  NodeCommands cmds ->
    runNodeCmds cmds
      & firstExceptT NodeCmdError
  ByronCommand cmds ->
    firstExceptT ByronClientError $ runByronClientCommand cmds
  CompatibleCommands cmd ->
    firstExceptT (BackwardCompatibleError (renderAnyCompatibleCommand cmd)) $
      runAnyCompatibleCommand cmd
  • As a result we have a lot of errors wrapped in errors which makes the code unwieldly and difficult to compose with other code blocks. See image below of incidences of poor composability where we use firstExceptT (and sometimes first) to wrap errors in other errors.


Proposed Solution

I propose to replace ExceptT someError IO a with RIO env a.


Below is how cardano-cli is currently structured. ExceptT with errors wrapping errors. However the errors ultimately end up being rendered at the top level to the user.

-- TOP LEVEL -- 

data ExampleClientCommand = ClientCommandTransactions ClientCommandTransactions

data ExampleClientCommandErrors
  = CmdError CmdError
-- | ByronClientError ByronClientCmdError
-- | AddressCmdError AddressCmdError
-- ...
data CmdError
  = ExampleTransactionCmdError ExampleTransactionCmdError
-- | AddressCommand AnyEraCommand
-- | ByronCommand AddressCmds
-- ...

topLevelRunCommand :: ExampleClientCommand -> ExceptT ExampleClientCommandErrors IO ()
topLevelRunCommand (ClientCommandTransactions txsCmd) =
  firstExceptT (CmdError . ExampleTransactionCmdError) $ runClientCommandTransactions txsCmd


data ClientCommandTransactions = DummyClientCommandToRun

data ExampleTransactionCmdError
  = TransactionWriteFileError !(FileError ())

  :: ()
  => ClientCommandTransactions
  -> ExceptT ExampleTransactionCmdError IO ()
runClientCommandTransactions DummyClientCommandToRun =
  left $
    TransactionWriteFileError $
      FileError "dummy.file" ()

Proposed change:

data ClientCommandTransactions = DummyClientCommandToRun

data ExampleClientCommand = ClientCommandTransactions ClientCommandTransactions

topLevelRunCommand :: ExampleClientCommand -> RIO () ()
topLevelRunCommand (ClientCommandTransactions txsCmd) =
  runClientCommandTransactions txsCmd

  :: HasCallStack
  => ClientCommandTransactions
  -> RIO () ()
runClientCommandTransactions DummyClientCommandToRun =
  throwIO $
    CustomCliException $
      FileError "dummy.file" ()

We have eliminated data ExampleClientCommandErrors and data CmdError and improved the composability of our code.


  • Additional logging functionality
  • Explicit environment dependencies e.g logError :: HasLogFunc env => Text -> RIO env ()
  • Better composability i.e no more errors that wrap errors (see above).


  • RIO is hardcoded to IO so we cannot add additional transformer layers e.g RIO Env (StateT Int IO) a
  • Implicit error flow. Errors are thrown via GHC exceptions in IO. See exception handling below.

Exception handling

Exception type

data CustomCliException where
    :: (Show error, Typeable error, Error error, HasCallStack)
    => error -> CustomCliException

deriving instance Show CustomCliException

instance Exception CustomCliException where
  displayException (CustomCliException e) =
      [ show (prettyError e)
      , prettyCallStack callStack

throwCliError :: MonadIO m => CustomCliException -> m a
throwCliError = throwIO

The purpose of CustomCliException is to represent explicitly thrown, structured errors that are meaningful to our application.

Exception Handling Mechanism: Pros & Cons


  1. Unified Exception Type
  • Simplifies Top-Level Handling: All errors are caught as CustomCliException.
  • Consistent Reporting: Ensures all errors are formatted uniformly via prettyError.
  1. CallStack Inclusion
  • Embeds CallStack to trace error origins, aiding debugging.
  1. Polymorphic Error Support
  • Flexibility: Wraps any error type so long as the required instances exist.


  1. Type Erasure
  • Loss of Specificity: Existential quantification erases concrete error types, preventing pattern-matching on specific errors. That may make specific error recovery logic harder to implement.


  • Error handling: All errors will be converted to exceptions that will be caught by a single exception handler at the top level.
  • Top level monad: RIO.
  • We agree not to catch CustomCliException except in the top-level handler. If the need for catching an exception arises, we locally use an Either or ExceptT pattern instead.
  • CustomCliException should only be thrown within the RIO monad. Pure code is still not allowed to throw exceptions.


  • This should dramatically improve our code's composability and remove many unnecessary error types.
  • Readability concerning what errors can be thrown will be negatively impacted. However, ExceptT already lies about what exceptions can be thrown because it is not limited to the error type stated in ExceptT's type signature. In other words, IO can implicitly throw other Exceptions.
  • Initially, this will be adopted under the "compatible" group of commands so cardano-cli will have a design split temporarily. Once we are happy with the result we will propagate to the rest of cardano-cli
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