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Nmap Vulnerability Scanner

This document provides a detailed step-by-step explanation of how the script operates. This script performs vulnerability scanning using Nmap on specified IP addresses, scans for vulnerabilities on various ports, and saves the results and progress.



  • Filename:
  • Purpose: To perform vulnerability scanning using Nmap on specified IP addresses and save the results.

Initialization and Setup

Importing Modules

The script imports the following modules:

  • Standard Libraries:

    • os
    • pandas
    • subprocess
    • logging
    • datetime
    • concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor, as_completed
  • External Libraries:

    • rich.console
    • rich.progress
  • Custom Modules:

    • SharedData
    • Logger

Configuring the Logger

The logger is configured to log messages for at the INFO level, ensuring detailed logging of events and errors.

Defining Global Variables

Global variables are defined to provide metadata about the class and module, including:

  • b_class = "NmapVulnScanner"
  • b_module = "nmap_vuln_scanner"
  • b_status = "vuln_scan"
  • b_port = None
  • b_parent = None

NmapVulnScanner Class


The NmapVulnScanner class manages the process of scanning IP addresses for vulnerabilities using Nmap and saving the results.


  • Attributes: Initializes shared data, prepares for scanning, and sets up the summary file.
  • Logger: Logs the initialization process.



  • Purpose: Creates a summary file for vulnerabilities if it does not exist.
  • Details: Initializes the summary file with appropriate columns and saves it as a CSV file.

update_summary_file(ip, hostname, mac, port, vulnerabilities)

  • Purpose: Updates the summary file with the scan results.
  • Details: Reads the existing summary file, appends new scan results, removes duplicates, and saves the updated data.

scan_vulnerabilities(ip, hostname, mac, ports)

  • Purpose: Scans the specified IP address for vulnerabilities on given ports using Nmap.
  • Details: Executes Nmap commands, captures the output, and updates the summary file with the parsed vulnerabilities.
  • Returns: The combined scan result as a string or None if an error occurs.

execute(ip, row, status_key)

  • Purpose: Executes the vulnerability scan for a given IP and row data.
  • Details: Initiates the scan, saves results, and updates the status.
  • Returns: A status string indicating success or failure.


  • Purpose: Parses the Nmap scan result to extract vulnerabilities.
  • Details: Identifies lines containing vulnerability information and compiles them into a single string.
  • Returns: A string of parsed vulnerabilities.

save_results(mac_address, ip, scan_result)

  • Purpose: Saves the detailed scan results to a file.
  • Details: Writes the scan result to a file named after the MAC address and IP.


  • Purpose: Saves a summary of all scanned vulnerabilities to a final summary file.
  • Details: Aggregates data from the summary file and writes it to a final summary CSV.

Detailed Execution Flow

Step 1: Initialization

  • The NmapVulnScanner class is initialized with shared data, setting up necessary attributes and logging the initialization.

Step 2: Create Summary File

  • The create_summary_file method ensures the summary file exists and initializes it if not.

Step 3: Scan Vulnerabilities

  • The scan_vulnerabilities method scans the specified IP for vulnerabilities using Nmap, logs the process, and updates the summary file.

Step 4: Execute Scan

  • The execute method orchestrates the scan for each IP, saves the results, and updates the status based on the scan outcome.

Step 5: Parse Vulnerabilities

  • The parse_vulnerabilities method extracts and compiles vulnerability information from the Nmap scan result.

Step 6: Save Results

  • The save_results method saves detailed scan results to a file for each scanned IP.

Step 7: Save Summary

  • The save_summary method compiles and saves a summary of all vulnerabilities to a final summary file.

Variables and Configuration

Target Files and Directories


  • Purpose: Specifies the path to the summary file that records scan results.
  • Type: String (file path).
  • Example: '/path/to/vuln_summary.csv'


  • Purpose: Specifies the directory where detailed scan results are saved.
  • Type: String (directory path).
  • Example: '/path/to/vulnerabilities/'


  • Purpose: Specifies the aggressiveness level for Nmap scans.
  • Type: String (Nmap option).
  • Example: '-T4'

Example Configuration

self.shared_data.vuln_summary_file = '/path/to/vuln_summary.csv'
self.shared_data.vulnerabilities_dir = '/path/to/vulnerabilities/'
self.shared_data.nmap_scan_aggressivity = '-T4'

Integration with Orchestrator

Method Call

The NmapVulnScanner class is called by the orchestrator via its execute method. The process involves:

  1. Receiving Target Details: The orchestrator provides IP, port, and other relevant details to the NmapVulnScanner class.
  2. Performing Vulnerability Scan: The execute method initiates the Nmap scan, parses results, and updates the summary file.
  3. Updating Orchestrator: The status (success or failure) is returned to the orchestrator for further action.

Example Workflow

  1. Initialization: The orchestrator initializes the NmapVulnScanner class.
  2. Execution: For each target IP, the orchestrator calls the execute method of NmapVulnScanner.
  3. Logging and Status Update: The NmapVulnScanner class logs each step and updates the status based on the outcome of the scan.

By following these detailed steps, the script performs vulnerability scans on specified IP addresses, saves detailed results, and updates a summary of vulnerabilities.