Andro Dunos v.0.1.0
This is the tenth big release for the project of the arcade game named Andro Dunos. In these release you will be able to see the start of the game with fullscreen, then choose between two players and enter the stage 1, where you will be able to move around and shoot enemies while collecting bonuses. Then you can also see the gameover scene if u collide and the stageclear scene if you finish the stage 1. Also you can see Stage4 and fight enemies there, including the final boss.
Manager: Lluis Moreu Q&A: Christian Martinez Programer: Marc Galvez
Github repository: Github organization: Changelist:
ESC (to close the window).
SPACE (to change between scenes).
Left Ctrl (to add coins(with 2 coins needed to play with 2 players))
1 (to play with one player).
2 (to play with two players).
W (to go up).
A (to go backwards).
S (to go down).
D (to go forwards).
Q (to change weapons).
SPACE (to shoot).
UP ARROW (to go up).
LEFT ARROW (to go backwards).
DOWN ARROW (to go down).
RIGHT ARROW (to go forwards).
M (to change between weapons).
Right Ctrl (to shoot).
Joystick (to move player).
A/X (to shoot).
X/Square (to change weapon).
Direction Pad Up (to add coins).
I (to move up the screen).
J (to move backwards the screen).
K (to move down the screen).
L (to move forwards the screen).
U (stop camera).
F1 (to hide collision squares).
F2 (to increase power up).
F4 (to shoot ultimate).
F5 (to activate god mode).
F8 (to heal both players into 7 hp).
F10 (to enter stage4 when stage 1).
F11 (to direct win).
F12 (to direct lost).
Can you finish the game?
We hope you Enjoy! Thanks for playing.