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Merge pull request #41 from inbo/habitatquarries
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Code to generate data source 'habitatquarries'
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florisvdh authored Oct 12, 2020
2 parents 918b8cf + c0821eb commit 7914be2
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Showing 13 changed files with 1,786 additions and 0 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
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Expand Up @@ -15,3 +15,7 @@ src/**/*.md
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/generate_habitatquarries/.Rprofile
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
345 changes: 345 additions & 0 deletions src/generate_habitatquarries/10_generate_habitatquarries.Rmd
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@@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
# Making the data source

We will create a 'raw' data source `habitatquarries` by cleaning a precursor dataset.

local_root <- find_root(has_file("generate_habitatquarries.Rproj"))
datapath <- file.path(local_root, "data")
if (!dir.exists(datapath)) dir.create(datapath)
finalpath <- find_root_file("n2khab_data/10_raw/habitatquarries",
criterion = has_dir("n2khab_data"))
if (!dir.exists(finalpath)) dir.create(finalpath)

## Load draft dataset

_This code is no longer executed because of the manual steps undertaken afterwards._
_Go directly to [manual updates](#manual-updates)._

```{r eval=FALSE}
drive_auth(email = TRUE)
drive_ls(as_id("1tJLjAlVbcNHcP4bgp7zRLS9e0KB9vyMs")) %>%
{map2(.$name, .$id, function(name, id) {
path = file.path(tempdir(), name),
overwrite = TRUE)
})} %>%

```{r paged.print = FALSE, eval=FALSE}
habitatquarries <- read_sf(file.path(tempdir(), "8310_v2018_RAPHAB2019.shp"),
crs = 31370)

```{r paged.print = FALSE, eval=FALSE}

## First standardization steps

_This code is no longer executed because of the manual steps undertaken afterwards._
_Go directly to [manual updates](#manual-updates)._

From common values of variables `id_old1` and `id_old2` in the below standardized dataset, we will derive a `unit_id` variable that represents somehow interconnected systems:

```{r paged.print = FALSE, eval=FALSE}
(habitatquarries <-
habitatquarries %>%
select(id_old1 = Id,
id_old2 = nr,
name = Naam,
type = HT8310,
source = Bron))

Writing a derived dataset that contains the auto-generated `unit_id`:

```{r eval=FALSE}
habitatquarries %>%
st_drop_geometry %>%
count(id_old1, id_old2) %>%
filter(n > 1, id_old1 > 0 | id_old2 > 0) %>%
mutate(unit_id = 1:nrow(.)) %>%
select(-n) %>%
right_join(habitatquarries, by = c("id_old1", "id_old2")) %>%
select(-contains("old")) %>%
delete_dsn = TRUE)

## Manual updates

At this stage, `habitatquarries1.gpkg` has been copied to `habitatquarries2.gpkg` which was subsequently edited in **QGIS** 3.14:

- updated a truncated value for `source`;
- capitalized a lowercase name in `source`;
- added a few extra `unit_id` values for adjacent polygons and interconnected quarries;
- deleted 2 rows without geometry;
- updated the value of `type` for one polygon;
- updated the value of `name` for many polygons;
- updated the value of `source` for many polygons.

```{r eval=FALSE}
# Saving/updating the manually crafted habitatquarries2.gpkg in Google Drive:
drive_update(media = file.path(datapath, "habitatquarries2.gpkg"),
file = as_id("1aM3hZqEp3ax66PCrhuyjwBZKd3EcALUS"))

After that, further standardization has been done on the result, in an attempt to create a first version of the final file.
This refers to the state of paragraph \@ref(standardization) at commit 4f41a46 (2020-07-02 08:58:29 +0200).

Then, the file has been reworked manually again, regarding both geometry and non-spatial attributes.
This mainly had to do with the applied definition of a 'unit'; see the Zenodo metadata for more information.
The result was the shapefile `habitatquarries_v2_20200925.shp`, which will now be handled further by the R code.

## Final standardization and writing the resulting data source {#standardization}

Reading `habitatquarries_v2_20200925.shp` and turning it into a standardized data source:

drive_auth(email = TRUE)
drive_ls(as_id("14MGdxHtxe8VGaCu70Y8Pmc0jusZgpym9")) %>%
filter(str_detect(name, "habitatquarries_v2_20200925")) %>%
{map2(.$name, .$id, function(name, id) {
path = file.path(tempdir(), name),
overwrite = TRUE)
})} %>%

```{r paged.print = FALSE}
"habitatquarries_v2_20200925.shp")) %>%
habitattype = habitattyp,
extra_reference = extra_refe) %>%
arrange(unit_id >= 100, name, polygon_id) %>%
mutate(polygon_id = as.integer(polygon_id),
unit_id = as.integer(unit_id)) %>%
st_write(file.path(finalpath, "habitatquarries.gpkg"),
delete_dsn = TRUE)

# Adding the bibliography

The literature references have been saved as a BibTeX bibliography file `habitatquarries.bib`, making it usable by most reference management software and R Markdown.

We will include this information as a table inside the GeoPackage, in order to make the latter self-contained, but we'll do that in a way that it can be read out to a BibTeX file.

## Creating a dataframe from the BibTeX bibliography file

```{r warning=FALSE}
refs <- bib2df(file.path(datapath, "habitatquarries.bib"))

refs2 <-
refs %>%
map_lgl(function(col) any(! %>%
refs[,.] %>%
`colnames<-`(tolower(colnames(.))) %>%
mutate(author = map_chr(author,
function(x) paste(x, collapse = " and ")))


Suggestion for making a function to read back as BibTeX bibliography:

```{r eval=FALSE}
refs2 %>%
mutate(author = str_split(author, " and ")) %>%
`colnames<-`(toupper(colnames(.))) %>%

## Adding the dataframe to the GeoPackage

refs2 %>%
st_write(file.path(finalpath, "habitatquarries.gpkg"),
layer = "extra_references",
delete_layer = TRUE)

# Checks on the data source

filepath <- file.path(finalpath, "habitatquarries.gpkg")


file(filepath) %>%
openssl::md5() %>%
str_c(collapse = '') %>%
file(filepath) %>%
openssl::sha256() %>%
str_c(collapse = '') %>%

Available layers:

```{r paged.print = FALSE}

## Geospatial layer

Reading from file:

```{r paged.print = FALSE}
habitatquarries_test <-
layer = "habitatquarries")

Writing attributes to text file for version control:

habitatquarries_test %>%
st_drop_geometry %>%

Overview of contents:

```{r paged.print = FALSE}
habitatquarries_test %>%
print(n = Inf)

All attributes:

habitatquarries_test %>%
Number of unique combinations of `unit_id` and `name`:

habitatquarries_test %>%
st_drop_geometry %>%
count(unit_id, name) %>%

Number of unique values of `habitattype`:

habitatquarries_test %>%
st_drop_geometry %>%
When `habitattype = "gh"` we know that no habitat is present.
When unknown (outside of Flanders), it is set as `NA`.

Occurrence of different references:

```{r paged.print = FALSE}
habitatquarries_test %>%
st_drop_geometry %>%

```{r warning=FALSE}
provinces_path <- find_root_file("n2khab_data/10_raw/provinces",
criterion = has_dir("n2khab_data"))
provinces <-
read_sf(provinces_path, crs = 31370)
bbox1 <- st_bbox(habitatquarries_test)

Overview map:

ggplot() +
geom_sf(data = provinces, fill = "white", colour = "grey70") +
geom_sf(data = habitatquarries_test,
colour = NA,
aes(fill = factor(unit_id))) +
coord_sf(datum = st_crs(31370),
xlim = bbox1$xlim + c(-2e3, 2e3),
ylim = bbox1$ylim + c(-2e3, 2e3)) +
theme_bw() +
theme(legend.position = "none")

Zoomed in on the eastern part:

zoom <- coord_sf(datum = st_crs(31370),
xlim = c(234e3, 244e3),
ylim = c(163e3, 169.2e3))
ggplot() +
geom_sf(data = provinces, fill = "white", colour = "grey70") +
geom_sf(data = habitatquarries_test,
colour = NA,
aes(fill = factor(unit_id))) +
zoom +
geom_sf_text(data = habitatquarries_test,
aes(label = unit_id),
size = 3) +
theme_bw() +
theme(legend.position = "none",
axis.title = element_blank())

With the values shown of `habitattype`:

ggplot() +
geom_sf(data = provinces, fill = "white", colour = "grey70") +
geom_sf(data = habitatquarries_test,
colour = NA,
aes(fill = `habitattype`)) +
zoom +
theme_bw() +
theme(legend.position = "bottom")

## Table with extra references

Reading from file:

```{r paged.print = FALSE}
extra_references <-
layer = "extra_references")

Overview of structure:

```{r paged.print = FALSE}
extra_references %>%

Closer inspection:


The above table can be converted back into a BibTeX bibliography file, using code as shown above.

19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions src/generate_habitatquarries/99_sessioninfo.Rmd
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@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
# Used environment

```{r session-info, results = "asis", echo=FALSE}
si <- devtools::session_info()
p <- si$platform %>% = "c")
if ("sf" %in% si$packages$package) p <- c(p, sf_extSoftVersion())
sprintf("- **%s**:\n %s\n", names(p), p) %>%

```{r results = "asis", echo=FALSE}
si$packages %>%
as_tibble %>%
select(package, loadedversion, date, source) %>%
pander::pandoc.table(caption = "(\\#tab:sessioninfo)Loaded R packages",
split.table = Inf)

4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions src/generate_habitatquarries/_bookdown.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
book_filename: "generating_habitatquarries.Rmd"
new_session: FALSE
rmd_files: # specifies the order of Rmd files; NOT needed when you use index.Rmd and an alphabetical order for other Rmd files
# - index.Rmd

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