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Andrew edited this page Oct 25, 2013 · 5 revisions

In .NET, exceptions are objects that represent an abnormal behaviour in the program during runtime. When an expression is thrown, it bubbles up the callstack until a guard is found. If there are no guards, the entire application will close with an error.

Throwing exceptions

To throw N expression, the throw keyword is used:

throw new InvalidOperationException "Something went wrong!"

LENS also has the fail function that throws a basic Exception:

fail "Error..."

Catching exceptions

To catch an exception, the code must be enclosed in a try block:

    Math::Sqrt (-1)
catch e:ArgumentException
    print "Argument {0} is invalid!" e.Message
    print "oops..."

As the example above shows, the try block may be followed by one or more catch blocks that will be executed if an exception of the specified type happens to be thrown.

Exceptions of a more specific type must be handled before exceptions of a less specific ones. Therefore, the parameterless catch clause (or one where the type is explicitly stated as Exception must always be the last. A compile time error is issued if there are other catch clauses defined afterwards.


If a catch clause cannot handle the exception, it can be thrown back without losing the stacktrace:

    doSomething ()
catch e:SomeException
    if e.IsWarning then
        print "oops: {0}" e.Message


The finally keyword denotes a block of code that must always be executed. Even if there was an unhandled exception in the try section, the code inside finally will be executed before the exception bubbles up the callstack. It is sometimes useful for releasing resources or otherwise cleaning up:

var res = new Resource ()
    var data = res.GetValue "test"
    print "the value is {0}" data
    print "could not get data!"
    res.Dispose ()
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