tree := trie.New()
// Put(pattern string, value interface())
tree.Put("/", "root")
tree.Put("/<id:int>", "name pattern")
// Has(pattern string) bool
duplicated := tree.Has("/")
// Match(key string) bool, result
ok, result := tree.Match("/")
// ok is true
// result.Params is nil
// result.Value.(string) is "root"
ok, result = tree.Match("/123")
// ok is true
// result.Params is {"id": 123}
// result.Value.(string) is "name pattern"
ok, result = tree.Match("/hi")
// ok is false
ok, node := tree.GetNode("/<id:int>")
if ok {
node.Data["put_data"] = "hello"
package main
import (
func Helloworld(ctx *router.Context) {
ctx.WriteString("hello, world!")
func ParamHandler(ctx *router.Context) {
username := ctx.ParamString("username")
text := fmt.Sprintf("hi, %s", username)
var PageResource = &router.Handler{
OnGet: func(ctx *router.Context) {
filepath := ctx.ParamString("filepath")
text := fmt.Sprintf("Get page %s", filepath)
OnPost: func(ctx *router.Context) {
filepath := ctx.ParamString("filepath")
text := fmt.Sprintf("Post page %s", filepath)
// BasicAuth is a Midwares
func BasicAuth(ctx *router.Context) {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, ctx.Request.URL, "Call Basic Auth.")
// BeforeMetric mark a time point when the request start.
func BeforeMetric(ctx *router.Context) {
// just a example, so use the params map to
// record the time.
ctx.Params["time"] = time.Now().Format("Mon Jan 2 15:04:05 -0700 MST 2006")
// AfterMetric log the time spent to handle the requeset.
func AfterMetric(ctx *router.Context) {
start, _ := time.Parse("Mon Jan 2 15:04:05 -0700 MST 2006", ctx.Params["time"])
dur := time.Since(start)
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s spent", dur.String())
var r = router.New()
func init() {
r.Get("/hello/world", Helloworld)
r.Get("/hi/<username:str>", ParamHandler)
// restful api style, this pattern can match such as
// "/page/hi.html" "/page/static/inde.html" eta.
r.Router("/page/<filepath:*>", PageResource)
r.Before("/", BasicAuth, BeforeMetric)
r.After("/", AfterMetric)
func main() {
server := &http.Server{
Addr: ":8080",
Handler: r,