ContinuousNormalizingFlows v0.5.0
Closed issues:
- {"message":"Couldn't find a repository matching this job.","error":true}""") (#2)
- Performance question (#162)
- Change the name (#171)
Merged pull requests:
- Init Package (#1) (@prbzrg)
- add coveralls file (#3) (@prbzrg)
- skip coveralls (#4) (@prbzrg)
- add desc to citation title (#5) (@prbzrg)
- add FFJORD (#6) (@prbzrg)
- Add default nn (#20) (@prbzrg)
- add rnode (#21) (@prbzrg)
- add time and loss to report (#22) (@prbzrg)
- use y in J func (#23) (@prbzrg)
- add DistributionsAD (#24) (@prbzrg)
- add lower bound (#27) (@prbzrg)
- fix the error by converting the output (#28) (@prbzrg)
- add conditional versions (#29) (@prbzrg)
- remove Parameters and add type to AbstractICNF (#30) (@prbzrg)
- fix a typo (#31) (@prbzrg)
- better organization for smoke tests (#32) (@prbzrg)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for OrdinaryDiffEq to 6, (keep existing compat) (#33) (@github-actions[bot])
- use DataLoader (#34) (@prbzrg)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for ScientificTypes to 3, (keep existing compat) (#35) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: bump compat for MLJBase to 0.19, (keep existing compat) (#36) (@github-actions[bot])
- add CondICNFModel (#37) (@prbzrg)
- fix cuda tests (#38) (@prbzrg)
- use CUDA.functional to check gpu (#39) (@prbzrg)
- add types to vectors in smoke tests (#40) (@prbzrg)
- add Planar (#41) (@prbzrg)
- update Project.toml (#42) (@prbzrg)
- Add sciml opt app (#43) (@prbzrg)
- add forwarddiff (#44) (@prbzrg)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for MLJBase to 0.20, (keep existing compat) (#45) (@github-actions[bot])
- update ci (#46) (@prbzrg)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for Flux to 0.13, (keep existing compat) (#47) (@github-actions[bot])
- fix docs (#48) (@prbzrg)
- fix memory error in tests (#49) (@prbzrg)
- add MLUtils (#50) (@prbzrg)
- fix flux v13 error (#51) (@prbzrg)
- add Optim Opt (#53) (@prbzrg)
- update GalacticOptim to new version 3 (#54) (@prbzrg)
- add rng to inferences (#55) (@prbzrg)
- add better info (#56) (@prbzrg)
- add norm to loss (#57) (@prbzrg)
- code cleaning (#58) (@prbzrg)
- add loss_pn & cond dist (#59) (@prbzrg)
- update Project (#60) (@prbzrg)
- Add AD tests (#61) (@prbzrg)
- use only one method in fitting test (#62) (@prbzrg)
- avoid broadcasting (#63) (@prbzrg)
- add array mover (#64) (@prbzrg)
- remove assert (#65) (@prbzrg)
- rename GalacticOptim (#66) (@prbzrg)
- add more AD tests (#67) (@prbzrg)
- fix tspan (#68) (@prbzrg)
- reverse tspan (#69) (@prbzrg)
- Update to SciMLSensitivity (#70) (@prbzrg)
- Code cleaning 4 (#73) (@prbzrg)
- fix ReverseDiff - DimensionMismatch (#74) (@prbzrg)
- better epsilon (#75) (@prbzrg)
- fix Tracker test (#76) (@prbzrg)
- Bump actions/checkout from 2 to 3 (#77) (@dependabot[bot])
- Bump codecov/codecov-action from 2 to 3 (#78) (@dependabot[bot])
- add fitted_params to tests (#80) (@prbzrg)
- Better dist (#81) (@prbzrg)
- move alg & sensealg (#82) (@prbzrg)
- add array type (#83) (@prbzrg)
- rm eltype (#84) (@prbzrg)
- add Real to AD loop res (#85) (@prbzrg)
- rm Yota in test (#86) (@prbzrg)
- update defaults (#87) (@prbzrg)
- update test n (#88) (@prbzrg)
- Add some ci (#89) (@prbzrg)
- Better format (#91) (@prbzrg)
- use muladd (#93) (@prbzrg)
- fix grad xs (#94) (@prbzrg)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for MLUtils to 0.3, (keep existing compat) (#95) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: bump compat for MLJBase to 0.21, (keep existing compat) (#96) (@github-actions[bot])
- more tests (#97) (@prbzrg)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for MLUtils to 0.4, (keep existing compat) (#99) (@github-actions[bot])
- remove old compats (#100) (@prbzrg)
- Remove solvealg and sensealg (#101) (@prbzrg)
- Flux training: move from implicit to explicit (#102) (@prbzrg)
- code cleaning (#103) (@prbzrg)
- fix callback bug (#106) (@prbzrg)
- Add example (#107) (@prbzrg)
- Move epsilon to
(#108) (@prbzrg) - update example (#109) (@prbzrg)
- move example to a file (#110) (@prbzrg)
- Revert "move example to a file" (#111) (@prbzrg)
- remove ] add (#112) (@prbzrg)
- bugfix:
didn't use loss properly (#114) (@prbzrg) - add pretty printing (#116) (@prbzrg)
- bugfix: big loss (#118) (@prbzrg)
- change epsilon to have batch (#119) (@prbzrg)
- fix typo (#120) (@prbzrg)
- fix augmented_f (#121) (@prbzrg)
- fix new_xs (#122) (@prbzrg)
- fix: planar epsilon (#123) (@prbzrg)
- add logger to tests (#125) (@prbzrg)
- unify api (#126) (@prbzrg)
- remove flux and optim support for optimization (#127) (@prbzrg)
- Separate tests (#129) (@prbzrg)
- better input types (#131) (@prbzrg)
- remove Labeler and Stale (#132) (@prbzrg)
- no batch (#134) (@prbzrg)
- update citation and inference output (#136) (@prbzrg)
- Add more parallel (#139) (@prbzrg)
- Switch to
(#141) (@prbzrg) - remove matrix api and fix gpu issue (#143) (@prbzrg)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for CUDA to 4, (keep existing compat) (#144) (@github-actions[bot])
- add aggregator to loss (#146) (@prbzrg)
- add some debug info (#147) (@prbzrg)
- remove defaults (#148) (@prbzrg)
- remove batch training and have pure sgd (#149) (@prbzrg)
- add ADBackend to icnf (#151) (@prbzrg)
- add more tests for ADBackends (#152) (@prbzrg)
- have a general constructor (#153) (@prbzrg)
- use
(revert) (#155) (@prbzrg) - add Matrix version of methods (#158) (@prbzrg)
- add Flux compatibility (#160) (@prbzrg)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for AbstractDifferentiation to 0.5, (keep existing compat) (#163) (@github-actions[bot])
- add
(#164) (@prbzrg) - Use
instead ofusing
(#166) (@prbzrg) - have multiple optimizer & disable cb (#173) (@prbzrg)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for SparseDiffTools to 2, (keep existing compat) (#174) (@github-actions[bot])
- add progress bar to callback (#175) (@prbzrg)
- enhance progress bar (#177) (@prbzrg)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for FillArrays to 1, (keep existing compat) (#178) (@github-actions[bot])
- rename
(#179) (@prbzrg) - Bump peter-evans/create-pull-request from 4 to 5 (#181) (@dependabot[bot])
- disable buffer in
(#182) (@prbzrg) - Update test/Project.toml (#183) (@prbzrg)
- add PrecompileTools (#184) (@prbzrg)
- remove
in progress (#187) (@prbzrg) - Name change (#189) (@prbzrg)
- change the name to ContinuousNormalizingFlows (#192) (@prbzrg)