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React Img Mapper

React Component to Highlight Interactive Zones in Images

Key Features:

  1. Actively maintained repository.
  2. Built with TypeScript.
  3. Fully compatible with Next.js.
  4. Optimized for smaller bundle size.
  5. Comprehensive documentation.
  6. Toggle and reset functionality for single and multiple highlighted areas.
  7. Access image properties (width, height, etc.) using the onLoad callback.
  8. Fully responsive image mapper.


Install the package via your preferred package manager:

# npm
npm install react-img-mapper

# yarn
yarn add react-img-mapper

# pnpm
pnpm install react-img-mapper

Demo & Examples

Live Demo: View Demo

To run the example locally:

  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone
  2. Install dependencies and start the dev server:
    pnpm playground:install
    pnpm playground:dev
  3. Open localhost:3000 in your browser.

To build the project, run:

pnpm build


Here’s how to integrate react-img-mapper into your project:

import React from 'react';
import ImageMapper from 'react-img-mapper';

const Mapper = () => {
  const url =
  const name = 'my-map';
  const areas =

  return <ImageMapper src={url} name={name} areas={areas} />;

export default Mapper;


Prop Type Description Default
src string URL of the image to display required
name string The name of the map, used to associate it with the image. required
areas array Array of area objects, please check Area Properties below required
areaKeyName string Key name used to uniquely identify areas id
isMulti bool Allows multiple areas to be highlighted true
toggle bool Enables toggling highlights for selected areas false
active bool Enables area listeners and highlighting true
disabled bool Disable highlighting, listeners, and removes area tag false
fillColor string Fill color of highlighted zones rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)
strokeColor string Border color of highlighted zones rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)
lineWidth number Border thickness of highlighted zones 1
imgWidth number Original width of the image 0
width number | func => number Image width (can use a function for dynamic sizing) 0
height number | func => number Image height (can use a function for dynamic sizing) 0
natural bool Use original dimensions for canvas and wrapper false
responsive bool Enable responsiveness (requires parentWidth) false
parentWidth number Maximum width of the parent container for responsiveness 0
containerProps object Props for the container <div> element null
imgProps object Props for the <img> element null
canvasProps object Props for the <canvas> element null
mapProps object Props for the <map> element null
areaProps object Props for the <area> elements null


Callback Triggered On Signature
onChange Clicking an area (selectedArea, areas) => void
onImageClick Clicking outside of mapped zones (event) => void
onImageMouseMove Moving the mouse over the image (event) => void
onClick Clicking a mapped zone (area, index, event) => void
onMouseDown Mouse down on a mapped zone (area, index, event) => void
onMouseUp Mouse up on a mapped zone (area, index, event) => void
onTouchStart Touching a mapped zone (area, index, event) => void
onTouchEnd Ending a touch on a mapped zone (area, index, event) => void
onMouseMove Moving the mouse over a mapped zone (area, index, event) => void
onMouseEnter Hovering over a mapped zone (area, index, event) => void
onMouseLeave Leaving a mapped zone (area, index, event) => void
onLoad Image loaded and canvas initialized (event, dimensions) => void


Method Description
getRefs Retrieves refs for the container, canvas, and image elements

Areas Properties

Property Type Description Default
id string A unique identifier for the area. If not provided, an index from the array is used. This can be customized using the areaKeyName property. based on areaKeyName
shape string Specifies the shape of the area: rect, circle, or poly. required
coords array of number Coordinates defining the area based on its shape:
  • rect: top-left-X, top-left-Y, bottom-right-X, bottom-right-Y
  • circle: center-X, center-Y, radius
  • poly: List of points defining the polygon as point-X, point-Y, ...
active bool Enables or disables event listeners and highlighting for the area. true
disabled bool Disables all interactions, highlighting, and tag additions/removals for the area. false
href string A target link for clicks on the area. If an onClick handler is provided, the href will not be triggered. undefined
fillColor string Fill color of the highlighted zone rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)
strokeColor string Border color of the highlighted zone rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)
lineWidth number Border thickness of the highlighted zone 1
preFillColor string Pre filled color of the highlighted zone undefined

When triggered by an event handler, an area object includes the following additional properties:

Property Type Description
scaledCoords array of number Scaled coordinates adjusted based on the image's dimensions.
center array of number The center or centroid coordinates of the area, represented as [X, Y].


Distributed with an MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for more details!

Copyright (c) 2025 Nisharg Shah