Some useful extensions to thumbor - extra filters and detectors.
pip install thumbor_extras
Add these detectors to your thumbor.conf
An improved face detector that uses a deep neural network. More specifically, it uses the SSD object detection model, trained specifically on faces. According to the OpenCV repo, it was trained with "some huge and available online dataset." :/
For more information on how the normal thumbor face detector compares to this one in both accuracy and efficiency, see this comparison script.
The full SSD object detection model, trained on the COCO dataset. It was built as a MobileNet, a class of efficient, light weight deep neural network models meant to work well in mobile and embedded applications.
Add these filters to your available filters in thumbor.conf
...other filters,
Draws a circle at the calculated center of mass, according to the focal points.
Usage: draw_center_of_mass([r, g, b])
: draws a circle with default red color.draw_center_of_mass(0,0,255)
: draws a blue circle.
Draws a box around the focal points, for displaying the results of the detectors on a given image. Takes optional arguments for box color and line width.
Usage: draw_focal_points([line_width, label_height_percentage, show_heatmap, show_labels, show_rainbow, r, g, b])
: the width of the box lineslabel_height_percentage
: the height of the class label as a percentage of the boxshow_heatmap
: make the box more opaque for higher-confidence detections, more transparent for less confident detectionsshow_labels
: print the class label at the top of the boxshow_rainbow
: use a different color for each focal point box; pass false to provide a single color RGB value for all boxesr
: R component of RGB color of box, default 0g
: G component of RGB color of box, default 255b
: B component of RGB color of box, default 0
: draws boxes with defaults (each box a different color, with opacity according to the detection confidence).draw_focal_points(5,0,false,false,false,255,0,0)
: draws solid red boxes with 5 pixel line width, and no class labels.
- Choose thresholds empirically
Because I will definitely forget. Python development can be a pain.
# -- ENV --
# use python 2 - thumbor doesn't support 3 yet.
virtualenv thumbor_env --python=/path/to/python2
source thumbor_env/bin/activate
# -- DEVELOP --
pip install -e .
# -- TEST --
# i don't know why can't install pytest...but it fails without manual install.
# it could be a python2 / mac thing.
pip install pytest
python test
python sdist
# make a wheel from the source tarball (to use manifest correctly)
pip wheel --no-index --no-deps --wheel-dir dist dist/*.tar.gz
pip install twine
# make sure pip URLs are configured per
python -m twine upload --repository pypi dist/*