A lightweight, TypeScript-based implementation of Bevy.
Core application framework providing:
- Application lifecycle management
- Plugin system for extensible functionality
- Schedule system with fixed timestep support
- Multiple worlds support
- Resource management
High-performance Entity Component System (ECS) inspired by Bevy ECS:
- Archetype-based storage for efficient component access
- Change detection system
- Event system with type-safe dispatch
- Query system with parallel iteration support
- Resource management with change tracking
Collection of utilities supporting the engine:
- BitSet: Fixed-size bit operations
- Logger: Configurable logging system
- Cell: Generic value containers
- Inheritance: Advanced TypeScript class utilities
- Type validation tools
- High Performance: Archetype-based ECS with efficient component access
- Plugin System: Modular architecture for easy extension
- Parallel Execution: Systems can run concurrently
- Type Safety: Leverages TypeScript's type system
- Fixed Timestep: Consistent game loop timing
- Resource Management: Global state with change tracking
npm install sciurus