Go library to interact with Jupiter to get quotes, perform swaps and send them on-chain
This library provides a simple way to interact with the Jupiter API to get quotes and perform swaps.
It also provides:
- A solana client to send the swap transaction on-chain and check its status.
- A solana monitor to wait for a transaction to reach a specific commitment status.
go get github.com/ilkamo/jupiter-go
Here's a simple example to get a quote and the related swap instructions from Jupiter:
package main
import (
func main() {
jupClient, err := jupiter.NewClientWithResponses(jupiter.DefaultAPIURL)
// handle the error
ctx := context.TODO()
slippageBps := float32(250.0)
// Get the current quote for a swap.
// Ensure that the input and output mints are valid.
// The amount is the smallest unit of the input token.
quoteResponse, err := jupClient.GetQuoteWithResponse(ctx, &jupiter.GetQuoteParams{
InputMint: "So11111111111111111111111111111111111111112",
OutputMint: "JUPyiwrYJFskUPiHa7hkeR8VUtAeFoSYbKedZNsDvCN",
Amount: 100000,
SlippageBps: &slippageBps,
// handle the error
quote := quoteResponse.JSON200
// Define the prioritization fee in lamports.
prioritizationFeeLamports := &struct {
JitoTipLamports *int `json:"jitoTipLamports,omitempty"`
PriorityLevelWithMaxLamports *struct {
MaxLamports *int `json:"maxLamports,omitempty"`
PriorityLevel *string `json:"priorityLevel,omitempty"`
} `json:"priorityLevelWithMaxLamports,omitempty"`
PriorityLevelWithMaxLamports: &struct {
MaxLamports *int `json:"maxLamports,omitempty"`
PriorityLevel *string `json:"priorityLevel,omitempty"`
MaxLamports: new(int),
PriorityLevel: new(string),
*prioritizationFeeLamports.PriorityLevelWithMaxLamports.MaxLamports = 1000
*prioritizationFeeLamports.PriorityLevelWithMaxLamports.PriorityLevel = "high"
// If you prefer to set a Jito tip, you can use the following line instead of the above block.
// Look at _examples/jitoswap/main.go for more details.
// *prioritizationFeeLamports.JitoTipLamports = 1000
dynamicComputeUnitLimit := true
// Get instructions for a swap.
// Ensure your public key is valid.
swapResponse, err := jupClient.PostSwapWithResponse(ctx, jupiter.PostSwapJSONRequestBody{
PrioritizationFeeLamports: prioritizationFeeLamports,
QuoteResponse: *quote,
UserPublicKey: "{YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY}",
DynamicComputeUnitLimit: &dynamicComputeUnitLimit,
// handle the error
swap := swapResponse.JSON200
Once you have the swap instructions, you can use the solana client to sign and send the transaction on-chain. Please remember, when a transaction is sent on-chain it doesn't mean that the swap is completed. The instruction could error, that's why you should monitor the transaction status and confirm the transaction is finalized without errors.
package main
import (
func main() {
// ... previous code
// swap := swapResponse.JSON200
// Create a wallet from private key
walletPrivateKey := "{YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY}"
wallet, err := solana.NewWalletFromPrivateKeyBase58(walletPrivateKey)
// handle the error
// Create a Solana client. Change the URL to the desired Solana node.
solanaClient, err := solana.NewClient(wallet, "https://api.mainnet-beta.solana.com")
// handle the error
// Sign and send the transaction.
signedTx, err := solanaClient.SendTransactionOnChain(ctx, swap.SwapTransaction)
// handle the error
// Wait a bit to let the transaction propagate to the network.
// This is just an example and not a best practice.
// You could use a ticker or initialize a monitor to wait for the transaction to be confirmed.
time.Sleep(20 * time.Second)
// Get the status of the transaction (pull the status from the blockchain at intervals
// until the transaction is confirmed).
confirmed, err := solanaClient.CheckSignature(ctx, signedTx)
// handle the error
A full swap example is available in the examples/swap folder. For a swap with Jito tips, check the examples/jitoswap folder.
A transaction monitoring example using websocket is available in the examples/txmonitor folder.
The Jupiter client is generated from the official Jupiter openapi definition and provides the following methods to interact with the Jupiter API:
// GetProgramIdToLabelWithResponse request
ctx context.Context,
reqEditors ...RequestEditorFn,
) (*GetProgramIdToLabelResponse, error)
// GetQuoteWithResponse request
ctx context.Context,
params *GetQuoteParams,
reqEditors ...RequestEditorFn,
) (*GetQuoteResponse, error)
// PostSwapWithBodyWithResponse request with any body
ctx context.Context,
contentType string,
body io.Reader,
reqEditors ...RequestEditorFn,
) (*PostSwapResponse, error)
ctx context.Context,
body PostSwapJSONRequestBody,
reqEditors ...RequestEditorFn,
) (*PostSwapResponse, error)
// PostSwapInstructionsWithBodyWithResponse request with any body
ctx context.Context,
contentType string,
body io.Reader,
reqEditors ...RequestEditorFn,
) (*PostSwapInstructionsResponse, error)
ctx context.Context,
body PostSwapInstructionsJSONRequestBody,
reqEditors ...RequestEditorFn,
) (*PostSwapInstructionsResponse, error)
The Solana client provides the following methods to interact with the Solana blockchain:
// SendTransactionOnChain signs and sends a transaction on-chain.
ctx context.Context,
txBase64 string,
) (TxID, error)
// CheckSignature checks the status of a transaction on-chain.
ctx context.Context,
tx TxID,
) (bool, error)
// GetTokenAccountBalance returns the balance of an SPL token account.
ctx context.Context,
tokenAccount string,
) (TokenAccount, error)
// Close closes the client.
Close() error
The Solana monitor provides the following methods to monitor the Solana blockchain:
// WaitForCommitmentStatus waits for a transaction to reach a specific commitment status.
) (MonitorResponse, error)
- Starting with v0.1.0, jupiter-go supports the new Jupiter API as documented at station.jup.ag/docs.
- It supports both prioritization fee and Jito tips.
- For those who need to use the legacy API, v0.0.24 is the final version supporting it. Note that legacy Jupiter API hostnames will be fully deprecated on June 1, 2025.
Contributions are welcome! Feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request if you find a bug or want to add a new feature.
This library is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
If you find this library useful and want to support its development, consider donating some JUP/Solana to the following address: