Less2Scss is a simple PHP aplication that will help you convert less to sass. Keep in mind it is not always right therefore it needs some manual corrections. I will keep improving the program and try to spot more changes.
Built with Yeoman and Yeoman-php
There are two ways of downloading Less2Scss:
- Download the zip
- Clone the repo:
Then in the cloned/download directory run:
npm install
Running the app with:
grunt server
And you will have the app running on http://localhost:1337
To build:
grunt build
This will create a dist
directory, containing the files that can be uploaded to a server.
The download includes a really simple stracture:
+ index.php
| \---favicon
What I plan to do in the future.
- Change footer - Add older browser support (flexbox currently)
- Add syntax highlight - Something like ace
- Add more options
Copyright 2015 Marko Ilic. Released under the terms of the MIT license.