Our new native react app is an important part of our strategy to make our limehome guest experience even better. We want to create a premium experience for our guests by developing not only a mobile app but also an online concierge, a front desk and everything they would need during their stay to be usable right on their phone - so we created this challenge to test our candidates' overall developer skills.
For this challenge you're going to create a basic limehome app, this will give us an idea about your coding skills. Your app should list the available limehome apartment in Berlin on a MapView, to access this list use the following URL:
GET /properties -> https://api.limehome.com/properties/v1/public/properties/?cityId=32&adults=1 GET /properties/210 -> https://api.limehome.com/properties/v1/public/properties/210
We expect most people to spend between 4 and 6 hours on this challenge, although you're free to use more time if you want. So keep it simple, but also remember to show off your skills. We want to see what you can do. We expect you to submit a link to your code(e.g. using Github, Gitlab, etc.). We should be able to quicly run it via Expo CLI
You can find bellow a design mockup for the challenge. Feel free to use it or create your own: UI/UX Mocks -> https://www.figma.com/proto/JVquz0r58pvrsEe5fP6pHM/Case-Study?page-id=0%3A1&node-id=0%3A1913&viewport=241%2C48%2C0.74&scaling=min-zoom&starting-point-node-id=0%3A1913. For the assets we recommend the material icons: https://material.io
After cloning the project run:
npm install
And you are good to go.
After installation, run project with:
expo start
this will open up browser with a QR code, you should scan the QR code with your Expo Go app (for iOS users, download expo app and use native camera to scan the code)
Or, run on an emulated device by pressing (in the terminal which runs the expo start command) a - for an Android device i - for an iOS device
To run tests, simply type:
npm test