#Go to Node and install rode
#server side dependencies (managed via npm and package.json) npm install
#client side dependencies (managed via bower and bower.json) bower install
#mongo You have to install a mongo db server This is straight forward, can be done anywhere, linux/windows/mac cd ${root}/_conf/mongodb/ go to server and type at cmd line: $mongo you are now in mongo shell, create db
use priorityze load('create.js') System should respond and say user padmin@priorityze is created
#mongo user: user: padmin pwd : p123
For the moment we'll use that for all db stuff, as the project matures--and our knowledge of mongo increases--we will break this up into different users with different roles.
#redis You have to install a redis db/key store server It does not work on windows. In shell:
$ wget http://download.redis.io/releases/redis-3.0.6.tar.gz $ tar xzf redis-3.0.6.tar.gz $ cd redis-3.0.6 $ make
To run redis: $ src/redis-server
#I recommend using nodemon to avoid having to restart nodejs each time
nodemon server.js
#Linux By default ports < 1024 require root privileges so use sudo sudo nodemon server.js