Releases: ijlee2/blueprints-v2-addon-output
Releases · ijlee2/blueprints-v2-addon-output
Updated dependencies and blueprints
Introduced eslint@v9 and @ijlee2-frontend-configs
0.6.0 Introduced eslint@v9 and @ijlee2-frontend-configs
Downstreamed @embroider/addon-blueprint@3.2.0
0.5.0 Downstreamed @embroider/addon-blueprint@3.2.0
Updated dependencies in blueprints
0.4.1 Updated dependencies in blueprints
Updated dependencies in blueprints
0.4.0 Updated dependencies in blueprints
Updated dependencies in blueprints
0.3.1 chore: Updated dependencies in blueprints
Updated dependencies in blueprints
0.3.0 chore: Updated dependencies in blueprints
Updated dependencies in blueprints
0.2.1 Updated dependencies in blueprints
Set up @ember/test-helpers and qunit-dom
0.2.0 Set up @ember/test-helpers and qunit-dom
Updated README and dependencies in blueprints
0.1.5 Updated README and dependencies in blueprints