Lightweight neural networks implementation supporting:
- CPU and GPU execution with multi-GPU support
- Chain model architecture for complex networks
- Genetic Algorithm / NEAT implementation
Include fjnn jar found in target (or compile your own version) Must include jcuda for GPU usage
int hiddencount = 5;
int inputsize = 10;
int hiddensize = 10;
int outputsize = 2;
// create network with inputSize / outputSize
// apply layer normalization and use sigmoid for output activation
NeuralNetwork network = new NeuralNetwork(inputSize, outputSize, new Sigmoid(), new LayerNormalizer());
network.addHiddenLayer(hiddenSize, new ReLU());
/* hidden layers */
for(int i=0; i < 3; i++)
network.addLayer(hiddensize, new Sigmoid(), new LayerNormalizer());
/* must call build*/;
/* Initialize weights */
// network.setWeight(...)
// network.setBias(...)
// Feed forward
float[] result = network.compute(inputData);
// Backpropagation
float[] truth = new float[outputSize];
float learningRate = 0.1f;
BackpropagateOutput backpropResult = network.backpropagate(feedforwardResult, truth, Loss.MeanSquareError, learningRate);
// Access results
float[] output = feedforwardResult.output();
float[] deltaLoss = backpropResult.deltaLoss();
/* initialize the cuda engine */
// utility functions to get info about the system
int deviceCount = CudaEngine.getDeviceCount();
System.out.println("GPU " + 0 + ":");
System.out.println("Multiprocessors: " + CudaEngine.getMultiProcessorCount(0));
System.out.println("Clock Rate: " + CudaEngine.getDeviceProperties(0).clockRate / 1e3f + " MHz");
System.out.println("Free Memory: " + CudaEngine.getFreeMemory(0) / 1e9f + " GB");
// Initialization code here
NeuralNetwork ...
// Select GPU device for current thread .. must be called before any GPU operations on the current thread
// Transfer weights to GPU
// Perform GPU forward pass and backpropagation using streams
CUstream stream = CudaUtil.createStream();
CUdeviceptr inputGPU = CudaUtil.toGPUAsync(input, stream);
NeuralNetworkForwardOutputGPU feedforwardResultGPU = network.feedForwardGPU(inputGPU, 1, stream);
// GPU Backpropagation
float[] truth = new float[outputSize];
CUdeviceptr targetGPU = CudaUtil.toGPUAsync(target, stream);
float learningRate = 0.1f;
// This call will automatically update the weights with gradients
BackpropagateOutputGPU backpropResultGPU = network.backpropagateGPU(feedforwardResultGPU,
truth, Loss.MeanSquareError, learningRate);
// Free GPU resources when done
Chain models allow connecting multiple components (networks, adapters) in sequence
// Create chain model
ChainModel chain = new ChainModel(inputSize);
// Add neural network component
NeuralNetwork nn = new NeuralNetwork(....);
// Add positional encoder
PositionalEncoderAdapter encoder = new PositionalEncoderAdapter(featureSize, featureCount);
// modify input shape if necessary to match the next component
// Add another neural network component
NeuralNetwork nn2 = new NeuralNetwork(....);
// get back to the correct batchSize
// Feed forward
FeedForwardOutputMap result = chain.feedForward(input, batchSize, batchCount);
// Backpropagation
BackpropagateOutputMap backpropResult = chain.backpropagate(result, truth,
batchSize, batchCount, Loss.MeanSquareError, learningRate);
GPU Support
// Prepare model for GPU
// GPU Operations
FeedForwardOutputMapGPU resultGPU = chain.feedForwardGPU(inputGPU, batchSize, batchCount, stream);
BackpropagateOutputMapGPU backpropResultGPU = chain.backpropagateGPU(resultGPU, truthGPU,
batchSize, batchCount, Loss.MeanSquareError, learningRate, stream);
// Free resources
You can use a library like graphstream to visualize the network An example of this can be found in test/examples
- Creating Unit tests
- Better documentation