##This is the Back End of a Pick To Light/Put To Light system.
Server keeps track of all node activites in MongoDB, the server is run using spring boot
Master routes data from ScannerNodes, SubNodes and Server, there can be only one master for a cluster of nodes
Scanner nodes are QR code scanning devices, When a QR code is scanned, a sub node should light up, there maybe n number of scannerNodes
Subnodes are boxes that objects are stored, when a designated object is scanned by the scanner, the appropriate subnode will lightup, there maybe n number of subnodes
###Node Registration
-Node sends registration request to server
-Server sends registration data
-Two way acknowledgment is done
-ScannerNode scans object
-A new ScanData is generated by ScannerNode and Send to Master
-Master Posts the the ScanData to Server
-Server Takes ScanData and acknowledges to the ScannerNode
-After acknowledgment, the server Post data proproprite subnode
-The SubNode and server exchange acknowledgment
-Then the subnode sends acknowledgment for the scannerNode that goes though the server and master
-Server admin can change node config
-Data has to be shutdown for config change
-Server reruns registration
###Software platform
-Maven Project
-Java 17
-Spring Boot 2.7.3
-Jar package
-MongoDB & MongoExpress
###Postman api test