This is a Swift library wrapper around the popular C minizip library. It provides a lightweight Swift API for creating zip
archives, extracting them, listing the files contained in an archive without the need to extract the entire archive, and extracting specific files. It also supports encrypted (password-protected) archives and works in both Linux and macOS environments.
If you’re integrating the library into an Xcode project, just search for the string in the Xcode Package Manager:
If you use Package.swift
as the source of truth in your project, then declare the dependency
.package(url: "", from: "1.0.5"),
and add SwiftMiniZip
as a dependency to your application/library target
name: "MyApp",
dependencies: [
.product(name: "SwiftMiniZip", package: "SwiftMiniZip"),
import SwiftMiniZip
let fm = FileManager.default
let outZipFileURL = fm.temporaryDirectory.appendingPathComponent("")
let outUnzipContentURL = fm.temporaryDirectory.appendingPathComponent("unzip_example.jpg")
let bundle = Bundle.main
let password = "HappyCoding!"
let originImageURL = bundle.url(forResource: "example", withExtension: "jpg")!
var zipConfig = Zip.Config([originImageURL], outZipFileURL)
zipConfig.password = password
try Zip(config: zipConfig).perform()
var config = Unzip.Config(outZipFileURL, outUnzipContentURL)
config.password = password
try Unzip(config: config).perform()
import SwiftMiniZip
let filesInside = try Unzip(config: .init(outZipFileURL)).readStructure()
import SwiftMiniZip
let data = try Unzip(config: config).extractToMemory("example.jpg")
Swift 5.10 Linux/macOS
Ihar Katkavets,
SwiftMiniZip is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.