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Creates local multi-node database clusters for MySQL, Postgresql, MongoDB using Docker containers as nodes. Supports Kubernetes installations with K3D. Concentrated on Percona/Oracle MySQL/MongoDB/Postgresql database products with exact version specified.


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Configuring MySQL, Percona MySQL/Postgresql/Mongo, MongoDB with ansible scripts. Running multi-node replication clusters in Docker and Kubernetes.


  1. Setup Docker, make sure that your user added to the docker group:
  2. Download anydbver binary for Linux (use Darvin for OSX (experimental))
mkdir -p ~/.local/bin
cd ~/.local/bin
wget -O - | tar xz anydbver
  1. Usually Linux distributions adding ~/.local/bin to the path and it's enough to login/logout. If not, please put anydbver program to the path


  1. Download a new version from releases page
  2. Execute anydbver update to update the version database using the sql file from the head

Getting examples

Anydbver includes a test suite, you may list all deployment commands and run it/modify as you need:

anydbver test list

Additional help examples and all deployment commands from test available with:

anydbver deploy help

Commands structure


The deployment command contains one or multiple severs (nodes):

anydbver deploy node0 [things to install on node0] node1 ... nodeN ...

Node names combined from "node" and number. You can omit node0, anydbver assumes that node0 definition goes right after "deploy"

Keywords (commands)

Each node could have one or multiple programs installed:

anydbver deploy percona-server:8.0
anydbver deploy percona-server
anydbver deploy ps
anydbver deploy minio:docker-image node1 pg pgbackrest:s3=node0

There is a current list of all keywords:

anydbver deploy help keywords

| Keyword | Description | | haproxy-pg | Installs haproxy and configures it to be used with postgresql | | ldap | Installs openldap server | | ldap-master | allows to specify where is ldap server on the client node | | mariadb | Installs Mariadb | | mongos-cfg | Allows to specify which nodes are MongoDB config servers | | mongos-shard | Allows to specify replica sets and config servers for MongoDB clusters | | mysql | Installs Oracle MySQL Community version | | patroni | Installs patroni | | percona-backup-mongodb | Installs Percona Backup for MongoDB | | percona-orchestrator | Installs MySQL Orchestrator, using Percona's packages| | percona-postgresql | Installs Percona Postgresql distribution | | percona-proxysql | Installs ProxySQL from Percona's packages | | percona-server | Installs Percona Server for MySQL | | percona-server-mongodb | Installs Percona Server for MongoDB | | percona-xtradb-cluster | Installs Percona XtraDB Cluster (Percona Server patched to support Galera replication) | | pgbackrest | Installs pgbackrest | | pmm-client | Installs Percona Monitoring and Management client | | postgresql | Installs Postgresql from PGDG packages | | repmgr | Installs repmgr, Postgresql replication management solution | | sysbench | Installs sysbench to measure database performance | | valkey | Installs Valkey | | cert-manager | Installs TLS certificates management and generation software for Kubernetes | | k3d | Using a specified node as a multi-server Kubernetes installation (Kubernetes nodes as nested Docker containers) | | k8s-minio | Installs MinIO S3 Server inside Kubernetes | | k8s-pmm | Installs Percona Monitoring and Management inside Kubernetes | | percona-postgresql-operator | Installs Percona Postgresql Operator and creates a postgresql cluster in Kubernetes | | percona-server-mongodb-operator | Installs Percona Server for MongoDB Operator and creates a PSMDB cluster in Kubernetes | | percona-server-mysql-operator | Installs Percona Server for MySQL Operator (Group replication) and creates a MySQL cluster in Kubernetes | | percona-xtradb-cluster-operator | Installs Percona XtraDB Cluster Operator and creates PXC cluster in Kubernetes |

Help for specific keyword, keyword aliases

It could be annoying to write long names like percona-server-mongodb-operator and you can use `k8s-psmdb`` alias instead. There is an example for PSMDB operator, but you can use it for any keyword or alias.

$ anydbver deploy help percona-server-mongodb-operator

Aliases for command(software) percona-server-mongodb-operator

Subcommands (parameters) for command percona-server-mongodb-operator


anydbver deploy k3d:latest,ingress=443,ingress-type=nginxinc,nodes=3,host-alias="|r2.percona.local|r3.percona.local" cert-manager k8s-psmdb:1.16.2,replicas=1,shards=0,namespace=db1 k8s-psmdb:1.16.2,replicas=1,shards=0,namespace=db2 k8s-psmdb:1.16.2,replicas=1,shards=0,namespace=db3
anydbver deploy k3d:v1.25.16-k3s4,cluster-domain=percona.local cert-manager:1.14.2 k8s-mongo:1.14.0,cluster-name=db1

Software version specification

You can use just a bare keyword to specify version or put ':' after keyword to specify a version:

anydbver deploy ps
anydbver deploy ps:latest
anydbver deploy ps:8.0
anydbver deploy ps:8.0.29

Sub-commands (or parameters for software configuration)

The full structure for the software definition is:


You may list all subcommands available for the cmd and usage examples with same:

anydbver deploy help percona-server-mongodb-operator

docker-image subcommand

anydbver by default tries to mimic normal bare-metal Linux deployments, but you may need more speed/flexibility by using unmodified docker images for MySQL, Mongo, Postgresql, Valkey, MinIO

anydbver deploy valkey:unstable,docker-image node1 valkey:unstable,docker-image,master=node0 node2 valkey:unstable,docker-image,master=node0
anydbver deploy pmm:2.42.0,docker-image,port=12443 node1 ps:latest,group-replication pmm-client:2.42.0-6,server=node0 node2 ps:latest,group-replication,master=node1 pmm-client:2.42.0-6,server=node0 node3 ps:latest,group-replication,master=node1 pmm-client:2.42.0-6,server=node0
anydbver deploy pmm:docker-image=perconalab/pmm-server:dev-latest,port=12443 node1 mysql:latest,docker-image node2 pmm-client:docker-image=perconalab/pmm-client:dev-latest,server=node0,mysql=node1
anydbver deploy minio:docker-image node1 pg pgbackrest:s3=node0

Bare use of docker-image without value specified will use version as a tag (if it's numberic). The value could be a full/name:tag

List nodes after deploy

Show all containers for default namespace (''). Containers have $NAMESPACE-$USER prefix, but all anydbver commands automatically stripping this prefix and you should use just node0 ... nodeN in your anydbver commands.

anydbver list

Accessing nodes

The general method, run /bin/sh in a container:

anydbver exec node0

Containers with /bin/bash installed could use a login shell (like ssh login):

anydbver exec node0 -- bash -il

You may redirect or pipe STDIN and STDOUT for automation, e.g.

echo show variables | anydbver exec node1 -- mysql|grep gtid_mode|grep -q OFF

Destroying environment

anydbver is intended for short-term tests and you can remove all traces for deployment with:

anydbver destroy

The environment is automatically destroyed if you are doing the deployment while previous deplyment is alive:

anydbver deploy os:el8 ps
anydbver deploy os:el9 ps
# now we have a Percona Server installed on Rocky Linux 9, not 8.

You can keep existing setup and only add additional items if --keep deployment argument is used:

anydbver deploy node0 ps
anydbver deploy --keep node1 ps:master=node0
# MySQL on the node1 is now a replica for node0


You may need to keep existing environment and try something completely different, just put --namespace=ns1 (or use any name instead of ns1) right after anydbver and use it with all commands like deploy/exec/destroy

You can find a list of currently used namespaces with:

anydbver namespace list


anydbver is capable to run kubernetes using K3D project (Kubernetes cluster using nested docker containers). In order to simplify a setup, anydbver uses additional container with kubectl and other tools. Git repositories for operators are stored under ~/.cache/anydbver/data/k8s You may use your kubectl directly or exec inside a container with kubectl and helm configured with

anydbver shell

If you need anydbver with existing kubernetes installation, use anydbver --provider=kubectl deploy . It's not capable to destroy resources (currently cleanup is implemented just as docker container deletion).

Files and directories used by anydbver


Previous version, written in python

The previous Python version of anydbver is deprecated and renamed to


Creates local multi-node database clusters for MySQL, Postgresql, MongoDB using Docker containers as nodes. Supports Kubernetes installations with K3D. Concentrated on Percona/Oracle MySQL/MongoDB/Postgresql database products with exact version specified.







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