Print images. Stable exception when try run rastertokpl.
- PPD path: /Library/Printers/PPDs/Contents/Resources/Kyocera FS-1020MFPGDI.ppd
- Installed in the /Library/Printers/Kyocera/kpsl/
- Full path to the filter: /Library/Printers/Kyocera/kpsl/
convert for russian letter in the name
Problem with utf8 simbols in the job title.
Maverick 10.9.5 have cups version 1.7.2. El Capitan 10.11.4 have caups version 2.1.0
cupsctl WebInterface=on
sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.cups.cupsd.plist
sudo launchctl list | grep cupsd
sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.cups.cupsd.plist
sudo launchctl list | grep cupsd
Debug cups filters:
cupsctl --debug-logging
cupsctl --no-debug-logging
Print to file. Use printer/foo to convert to the printer format defined by the filters in the PPD file.
/usr/sbin/cupsfilter -p Kyocera_FS-1020MFPGDI_RE.ppd -m printer/foo data/d001.pdf -e > t.kpsl
Debian pages:
Dissecting and Debugging the CUPS Printing System
On the El Capitan original driver not installed with error - Not found software for install.
Need copy kpsl/ to the /Library/Printers/Kyocera/. Installation with warning - printer worked!!
Used CLion and IdaPro
OSX version have image symbols
Used JBIG-KIT 2.0 - link in the resources.
Filter read raster stream and write pages in the stdout.
Based on the existing realisation filters in the cups source: rastertohp.c and rastertoepson.c.
Use ConvertUTF.c for UTF8 -> UTF16 conversion.
Direct call filters without cupsfilter. Used for developments and testing. - make raster file from pdf. - convert raster file to the kpsl, using original filter. - convert raster file to the kpsl? using re filter.
Perl script - simple check two kpsl files, skip from compare user, timestamp and title field from kpsl header.
Perl script, which generates kpsl files for all pdf files in the data directory, using original rastertokpsl and rastertokpsl-re filters and compare it.
rastertokpsl-re must be properly installed. - kpsl dumper.
Change +-100.